本文选题:岩石力学 切入点:高放废物地质处置 出处:《岩石力学与工程学报》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:为了获得预选处置库区现今地应力的赋存特征,在该区花岗岩体内的4个深钻孔中采用水压致裂方法进行地应力测量。基于钻孔岩芯编录结果,在0~700 m深度范围内,成功取得地应力量值和最大水平主应力方向数据。依据获取的地应力实测资料,结合拜尔利定律和断层摩擦库伦准则,对预选区的地应力状态及断层活动性进行分析。结果表明:(1)3个主应力随深度呈现出较好的线性关系;(2)测试深度范围内,水平应力普遍高于垂向应力,预选区构造应力占主导地位,且随深度的增加逐渐减弱,岩体北部的水平力作用强于中部及南部,南部最弱;(3)最大水平应力优势方位为NEE,与区域构造应力场方向基本吻合,自青藏高原内部及边缘到东天山地区,现今最大主应力的作用方向表现为由NE~NEE的变化规律;(4)预选区地应力量值未达到断层摩擦滑动临界值,断层活动性较弱;(5)研究成果为处置库的开挖设计和稳定性评价提供科学的指导,实测资料填补了该区域地应力数据的空白,为我国西部地区地应力场分布规律研究提供重要参考资料。
[Abstract]:In order to obtain the existing characteristics of the present geostress in the reservoir area, the hydro-fracturing method is used to measure the in-situ stress in the four deep boreholes in the granite body in this area. Based on the logging results of the borehole core, within a depth of 0 ~ 700 m, The geostress value and the maximum horizontal principal stress direction data are obtained successfully. Based on the measured data of in-situ stress, combining with Bayley's law and fault friction Coulomb criterion, The in-situ stress state and fault activity in the pre-selected area are analyzed. The results show that the horizontal stress is generally higher than the vertical stress in the range of testing depth in which the three principal stresses show a good linear relationship with depth. The tectonic stress is dominant in the pre-selected area, and gradually decreases with the increase of depth. The horizontal force in the northern part of the rock mass is stronger than that in the central and southern part, and the weakest horizontal stress dominant orientation in the south is NEE, which is basically consistent with the direction of the regional tectonic stress field. From the inner and edge of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau to the East Tianshan region, the direction of the maximum principal stress is that the magnitude of in-situ stress does not reach the critical value of friction and slip of fault in the preselected area according to the law of variation of NE~NEE. The research results provide scientific guidance for the excavation design and stability evaluation of the disposal bank, and the measured data fill the gap of the in-situ stress data in the region. It provides an important reference for the study of the distribution law of the ground stress field in the western part of China.
【作者单位】: 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所;中国地质科学院地质力学研究所国土资源部新构造运动与地质灾害重点实验室;核工业北京地质研究院;
【基金】:国家科技重大专项(2016ZX05034003 002)~~
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