本文选题:微相分析 切入点:碳酸盐岩 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The tectonic position of the northern margin of the Ordos Basin is located at the junction of the North China plate Paleo-Asian orogenic belt. The Dashetai area is located on the southern side of the western part of the Yinshan Mountains, and the northern part of the Qianqi of Wulat, Inner Mongolia. The Ordovician system is well exposed in the area. The lower Ordovician Haila formation, the Middle Ordovician Erhagong formation, the Wu Lan Hu Dong formation, Upper Ordovician Baiyan Huashan formation. Ordovician Ordovician is located in the northernmost margin of the Ordos Basin (North China platform) in Shataizhen area, Qianqi, Wulat, Inner Mongolia, and is relative to the study of Ordovician in the east, south and west margin of the basin. The study of Ordovician in the northern margin of the basin is quite low. The field profile of the two sections of Shanhela, Dasshe Taizhen, Qianqi, Wulat, Wulat Qianqi and Baiyanhuashan, Wulat Qianqi, Inner Mongolia are measured, microscopic observation and microfacies analysis are carried out in the laboratory. This paper discusses the evolution of the sedimentary and tectonic environments of Ordovician in Dashetai Town, Qianqi of Wulat, Inner Mongolia. Twenty kinds of microfacies have been identified in the study area of Ordovician carbonate rock microfacies, among which 14 kinds of microfacies have been identified in the Shanhelia section. There are 14 kinds of microfacies in Baiyan Huashan section. The sedimentary environment of the study area is divided into basin margin facies, slope facies, platform margin shoal facies, open platform facies, and Wilson standard microfacies, which are combined with field observation and microfacies division, and the sedimentary environment of the study area is divided into basin margin facies, slope facies, platform margin shoal facies and open platform facies. The sedimentary characteristics of each sedimentary environment are summarized. The change of sedimentary environment is mainly reflected in the nature of sediment. That is, the change of composition and fabric. By comparing the assemblages of two sedimentary facies belts in the profile, it is considered that the sedimentary environment of the study area is platform facies, and from the bottom up to the open platform, the sedimentary environment is limited platform deposition. The open platform is characterized by the development of oolitic limestone and sandy limestone, which is characterized by strong hydrodynamic environment, the sedimentary environment of Erhagong formation is platform facies with slope facies, from the bottom up to the open platform, platform edge shoal and evaporation platform deposition. The sedimentary environment of Hu Dong period of Wu Lan is platform facies and slope facies, from the bottom up to evaporation platform, open platform, limited platform and gentle slope deposition, and Baiyan flowering period mainly shows deep water basin and gentle slope sedimentary environment from the bottom up.
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