本文选题:天然气水合物 切入点:多功能静力触探 出处:《中国地质大学》2017年博士论文
[Abstract]:Due to the particularity of natural gas hydrate reserves, exploration method mainly adopts pressure coring and logging method, its purpose is to retain the original properties of natural gas hydrate and field measurements of gas hydrate formations. The physical properties of the drilling tool and the measurement process are put forward higher requirements. How to according to the actual situation of natural China's gas hydrate exploration and development with foreign advanced technology, it is very necessary to study for fast and efficient access to information in situ formation of new exploration technology. This paper based on the deep water exploration of natural gas hydrate needs, relying on major national projects, for natural gas hydrate exploration multi probe CPT equipment research, multi the function of static sounding data processing and fusion, multi scale gas hydrate logging curve analysis and fusion, wavelet analysis is used to divide the storage layer, measurement Robustness analysis of curve data fusion. The main research and achievements are as follows: (1) discusses the exploration technology of natural gas hydrate exploration involved, which leads to multi function CPT, wavelet theory, multi-scale analysis, data fusion theory. The wavelet analysis is used to deal with logging curves, including wavelet filter logging curve processing, wavelet analysis is used to divide the storage layer, multi function and multi probe technique for analysis of deepwater natural gas exploration and well logging data fusion robustness. (2) according to the particularity of buried gas hydrate, multifunctional penetration probe of natural gas hydrate exploration and probe were studied. The design of the Piezocone Penetration Test (CPTU) is connected with the multifunctional probe (resistivity, wave velocity, gamma ray) exploration technology, focus on anti-corrosion, pressure, sealing and reduce the interference signal transmission at . (3) according to the static sounding probe + logging of natural gas hydrate exploration multi probe model, adopts the design of topology structure of distributed measurement and control network. The realization of open ground detection host + intelligent control bus + probe on distributed measurement system pipe, realize tip resistance of the probe, side wall friction, water pressure and the acoustic velocity of pore, resistivity and gamma ray tube probe real-time acquisition, data storage, processing and display. (4) for CPTU on the theory and methods of stratigraphic classification are discussed, based on the CPTU curve by smoothing filtering, eliminating singular point, multi-scale analysis and curve segmentation and optimal curve by calculating the optimal weighted factor, using the methods of CPTU curve CPTU curve for fusion, which can realize the different strata, and achieved good results. (5) according to the discrete sounding and logging data Based on the characteristics of the continuous wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform and the research into two wavelet transform. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of logging for multi-resolution data fusion and two scale equation. That logging data fusion with wavelet must have orthogonality, regularity, compact support, symmetry properties (6. Wavelet transform) method to study the logging curve, and according to the theory of edge detection, construct the optimal edge detection segmentation algorithm, the wavelet analysis of logging curve multi-scale, was constructed based on log stratigraphic division and multi-scale wavelet analysis algorithm, and this algorithm of wavelet analysis and multiscale filtering the noisy signal logging Shengli Oilfield wells. Combined with logging signal characteristics, find out the wavelet levels for different logging curves of optimal partition with wavelet decomposition and the number of times. The theory used in the permafrost region of the Qilian Mountains of natural gas hydrate exploration and analysis of fusion hole logging data, realize the automatic hierarchical storage layer and stratum. (7) to multi probe CPT technology for natural gas exploration in the practice, the related technologies, processes, and logging response characteristics of CPT were studied analysis and penetration and logging curves are analyzed. The fusion experiments confirmed that the technology for shallow gas exploration is entirely feasible, good penetration, logging response, can accurately determine the location of the storage layer, accurate stratigraphic division. (8) the minimum value of the optimal control theory by the logging curves the uncertainty of external interference when the data fusion, how to accurately estimate the original unknown signal are analyzed. In the analysis of this problem is equivalent to a semi infinite gauge in a dynamic drive system under the planning problem is given An approximate discretization method, reduces the number of constraints, reduce computational complexity, and the effectiveness of the method is illustrated by an example.
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