本文选题:新城区 切入点:地质灾害 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Our country has a vast territory and many large seismic belts, which lead to a wide distribution of geological disasters and frequent phenomena. Because of the sudden and destructive geological disasters, they have become a major event that seriously threatens the national construction and the security of the people.As a result, the relevant departments at all levels have gradually attached great importance to it.The Xincheng District of Hohhot is located in the north of Daqingshan Mountains.The total area of the whole area is about 60% of the mountainous area. The terrain and gully depth of the mountain area shows complicated geological structure, the internal gully develops, and the trench bed has a large drop in height difference. According to the field investigation, the main type of geological hazard in the study area is debris flow.Collapses and landslides.In a certain area, all kinds of disasters often accompany each other, combine into disasters, and transform each other, forming a disaster chain, that is, the obvious migration of energy and matter, which leads to serious geological disasters.This paper makes a systematic analysis on a series of problems of geological hazards in county administrative units of the district, and combines them with the actual geological conditions in Xincheng District of Hohhot City, and collects and counts the geology and hydrogeology in the new district.Based on the data of meteorology and hydrology, geological structure and present situation of geological hazards, the characteristics of geological disasters in new urban areas are studied and analyzed by investigating the hidden danger points of geological disasters on the spot, and according to the certain principles of geological hazard regionalization,In this paper, the zoning and prevention of geological hazards in Xincheng District are planned, and the information management system is established to manage the geological hazards in Xincheng District.On the basis of this, the paper puts forward a certain plan for the construction of geological hazard monitoring and warning system and studies the corresponding countermeasures of geological disaster prevention and control, and provides scientific basis and policy to strengthen geological disaster prevention and control in new urban area.
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