本文选题:新元古代 + 南华—震旦系 ; 参考:《地质学报》2017年03期
[Abstract]:The Tarim basin is a small continental block located on the edge of the Rodinia supercontinent. With the breakup of the Neoproterozoic Rodinia supercontinent, a large number of rift basins were formed in the periphery and interior of the Tarim basin.It is of great significance to understand the cracking process of Rodinia supercontinent.Based on the theories of basin dynamics, sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology, the unconformity surface, sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies are studied on the basis of outcrop, drilling and seismic profiles, and the sequence patterns and controlling factors are discussed.The difference of rift evolution between Tarim basin and Yangtze basin is analyzed.The Neoproterozoic Nanhua-Sinian system in the Tarim Basin is a first-order sequence, defined by two first-order unconformable interfaces Td (South China / Precambrian basement) and T _ 1 (Sinian / Cambrian), where the TD interface is caused by the Tarim movement.That is to say, the early to middle Neoproterozoic Rodinia continental cleavage began, while the T1 interface was related to the Keping movement in the Tarim plate, in which the vertical uplift occurred in the interior of the Tarim plate.According to the three stages of the rift basin evolution, namely, the rapid rifting stage, the stable subsidence stage and the rift valley shrinking stage, they can be divided into three second-order sequences.The rapid rifting period is a second-order sequence SQ1, a large number of small base-graben basins are developed, the water body is changed from shallow to deep, and deposits such as littoral facies, fluvial delta and so on are developed, and the stable subsidence period is the second-order sequence SQ2, which enhances the connectivity of the basin and forms a unified basin.The rifting cover is in the stage of rift valley atrophy, affected by mantle plume cooling, crustal rebound, the fault activity weakens and gradually stops, the strata overtake the uplift, and the stratigraphic distribution range is wide, the rift cover is in the stage of rift atrophy, which is influenced by mantle plume cooling and crustal rebound.The carbonate platform facies are mainly developed, and the second order sequence SQ3 is formed in this stage.Under the control of sea level change, glacier and climate, 13 third-order sequences were developed, among which a special third-order sequence of moraine rock and cap carbonate rock was developed in the glacial age.The Marinoan glacial period at the end of the Nanhua period is a global glacial event, and a typical combination of moraine rocks of Nantuo formation and dolomite of Doushantuo formation is developed in the Yangtze area of southern China.The Kuluktag area of the Tarim basin is directly covered with the siltstone strata of the Zamotik formation above the moraine rocks of the Teriecan formation, and no cap carbonate rocks are developed.This is related to the evolution of the rift system. The formation of the Tarim rift cover lags behind about 70 Ma.After the deposition of the moraine rock, the water body deepens rapidly, and the clastic material supply is sufficient, and there is no suitable growth environment for carbonate rocks.Through the study of the structural style and sequence stratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic rift basin, it is of great significance to understand the Neoproterozoic structure, sedimentary environment, source rocks and reservoir distribution.The difference of continental pyrolysis response between different basins is also worthy of further study.
【作者单位】: 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院无锡石油地质研究所;
【基金】:中石化油田部项目(2011ZX05005-002-001) 中石化科技部项目(P10023)资助的成果
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