本文选题:太原盆地 + 地裂缝 ; 参考:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:太原盆地是位于汾渭盆地中部的新生代断陷盆地,也是我国著名的地裂缝发源地,现已发育地裂缝107条,造成的经济损失高达3亿元。因其独特的地质构造背景,吸引了国内外众多专家学者。随着研究的不断深入,关于地裂缝的分布特点、发育规律、活动特征以及成因机理的研究,取得了一些重要成果。然而,地裂缝的成因复杂,各类致灾因素对地裂缝的影响程度不同,急需定量化评价和预测其活动的危险性,以便为开展地裂缝的防灾减灾、风险管控工作提供理论支持。本文以《汾渭地区地裂缝成因与减灾综合研究》项目的调查成果为基础,基于大量的实测数据,绘制了一套1:20万的断裂、地层、地貌、地面沉降及地裂缝分布图,系统理清了太原盆地地裂缝与核心致灾因子之间的量化关系,并借助GIS空间分析技术与模糊数学方法进行危险性分区,取得的主要研究成果如下:(1)太原盆地断裂活动速率最大的区域位于交城断裂的清徐—交城段,平均速率超过1.3mm/a;地裂缝最为发育的地貌单元为山前冲洪积倾斜平原区,发育的地裂缝条数占总数的63.55%;盆地内现有四个主要沉降区,分别位于太原市南郊、清徐—交城地区、祁县—太谷地区、介休—孝义地区,最大沉降速率达到30cm/a。(2)盆地内有9个地裂缝高危区,分别位于交城断裂带北端、太原市区西部的义井—晋祠地区,太原市南部位于田庄断裂带附近的小店区,交城断裂带中段的清徐—交城沿线地区、文水地区、汾阳市—杏花村一带、三泉断裂带和盆地最南端介休沉降区附近的介休市—孝义市地区,还有太谷—祁县沿线地区,以及晋中市榆次区北部,危险区总面积达1339.55 km2。(3)盆山交接带、盆缘断裂的上盘、地貌边界带、沉降漏斗的边缘带是太原盆地地裂缝发育的高危区,极易诱导新的裂缝形成。(4)介休以西、孝义以东沿线地区以及太原市南部郊区是未来地裂缝发育的重点地区;田庄断裂的活动可能被外界忽视,太原市小店区持续高速的地面沉降可能是田庄断裂在中更新世晚期的“活动后效”。(5)地层作为地裂缝发育的介质条件,在一定程度上制约了地裂缝在地表发育的程度,但是起不到决定性作用。
[Abstract]:Taiyuan basin is a Cenozoic faulted basin located in the middle of Fen-Wei basin and a famous source of ground fissures in China. There are 107 ground fissures developed and the economic loss is as high as 300 million yuan.Because of its unique geological structure background, attracted many experts and scholars at home and abroad.With the development of the research, some important achievements have been made in the study of the distribution, development, activity and formation mechanism of the ground fractures.However, the causes of the ground fissures are complex, and the influence of various disaster factors on the ground fractures is different, so it is urgent to quantitatively evaluate and predict the risk of its activities in order to provide theoretical support for the prevention and mitigation of ground fractures and risk management and control.Based on the investigation results of the project "Comprehensive study on the cause of formation and disaster reduction of ground fissures in Fenwei area", based on a large number of measured data, a set of 1: 200 000 maps of faults, strata, geomorphology, land subsidence and ground fissures have been drawn in this paper.The quantitative relationship between the ground fractures and the core disaster factors in Taiyuan Basin is systematically clarified, and the risk zoning is carried out with the help of GIS spatial analysis technique and fuzzy mathematics method.The main research results obtained are as follows: (1) the area with the highest fault activity rate in Taiyuan basin is located in Qingxu-Jiaocheng section of Jiaocheng fault with an average rate of over 1.3 mm / a, and the most developed geomorphologic unit of the ground fissures is the mountain front alluvial alluvial sloping plain area.There are four main subsidence areas in the basin, which are located in the southern suburb of Taiyuan, Qingxujiaocheng area, Qixian-Taigu area, Jiexiu-Xiaoyi area, etc.The maximum subsidence rate is up to 30 cm / a.f-2) there are 9 high risk areas of ground fissures in the basin, located in the northern end of the Jiaocheng fault zone, in the Yijing-Jinci area in the western part of Taiyuan, and in the Xiaodian area near the Tianzhuang fault zone in the south of Taiyuan.The Qingxu-Jiaocheng area along the central section of the Jiaocheng fault zone, the Wenshui area, the Fenyang-Xinghuacun area, the Jiexiu-Xiaoyi area near the Sanquan fault zone and the southernmost tip of the basin, and the area along the Taigu-Qi county,And in the northern part of Yuci district of Jinzhong City, the total area of the dangerous area is 1339.55 km ~ (2.3)) the upper face of the basin margin fault, the geomorphologic boundary zone and the edge zone of subsidence funnel are the high risk areas for the development of ground fissure in Taiyuan Basin.To the west of Jiexiu, the area along the east of Xiaoyi and the southern suburb of Taiyuan are the key areas for the future development of the ground fissures, and the activity of the Gangzhuang fault may be ignored by the outside world.The sustained and high speed ground subsidence in Xiaodian District of Taiyuan City may be the "active aftereffect" of the Tianzhuang fault in the late Middle Pleistocene. The formation is the medium condition for the development of the ground fissure, which to some extent restricts the development of the ground fissure on the surface.But it does not play a decisive role.
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