发布时间:2018-05-03 01:04
本文选题:位山灌区 + 人工示踪试验 ; 参考:《济南大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:灌区地下水系统属于半自然生态系统,由于人类活动影响导致灌区的水循环更加复杂。随着工农业快速发展,水资源供需矛盾日趋严重,同时对灌区地下水系统的补给、径流、排泄等认识不足和灌区地下水不合理的开发利用,致使灌区地下水开采条件不断恶化、地面塌陷、微咸水和咸水入侵等次生灾害。因此研究灌区地下水影响因素及地下水系统演变规律,摸清位山灌区地下水时空补给特征,为灌区地下水资源和地表水资源科学合理开发利用和调配以及灌区稳定健康发展和地下水环境保护提供理论依据。本文以黄河下游最大的引黄灌区、全国第五大灌区——位山灌区为研究对象。根据引黄灌区水文、地下水相关资料,采用极值法、灰色关联法分析灌区浅层地下水动态变化特征和影响因素。利用人工同位素示踪技术分析灌区浅层地下水补给影响因素和补给特征,并结合ArcGIS和Visual MODFLOW软件耦合模拟位山灌区地下水动态变化特征,揭示位山灌区浅层地下水补给时空分布特征。主要研究成果如下:(1)灌区浅层地下水位年际变化具有周期性波动,总体呈现稳定、下降、抬升和稳定的变化趋势,而年内变化幅度较大。在空间上,灌区地下水位与地面高程变化具有一致性,即从南向东北逐渐降低,灌区南部和中部水位较高且稳定,东北部区域水位较低且稳定,西部和北部区域地下水埋深和变化幅度较大。由灰色关联法分析知自然因素对灌区地下水影响比人为因素大,人为因素对地下水影响程度因地区而异,灌区上中游主要受地表水灌溉影响,而下游受地下水开采影响程度较大,其中降水和地表水灌溉是灌区地下水补给主要因素。(2)基于地下水影响因素和人工示踪试验分析可知,灌区大气降水和地表水灌溉对地下水补给强度均值为167.7mm/a,其中在有灌溉地区补给强度为193.1mm/a;无灌溉地区补给强度均值为104.4mm/a。在同一种植类型下,冬小麦~夏玉米在有无灌溉条件下大气降水和地表水灌溉对地下水的补给强度为198.6mm/a和110.7mm/a,而棉花在有无灌溉条件下大气降水和地表水灌溉对地下水的补给强度为138.3mm/a和85.5mm/a;灌区综合入渗补给系数范围为:13.70%~22.44%,均值为19.36%。(3)根据灌区水文地质、地下水位等资料采用Visual MODFLOW软件构建位山灌区浅层地下水数值模型,采用模型对灌区进行水量均衡模拟。结果表明目前位山灌区地下水补给量为103508.2×104m3,排泄总量为106743.8×104m3,二者之差为-3235.6×104m3,由此可知在模拟期内位山灌区地下水系统处于负均衡状态。模拟结果符合当前灌区浅层地下水资源开发利用现状。(4)通过分析2000~2014年和不同水文年的地下水量模拟结果可知:灌区地下水补给在时间上,降水和地表水灌溉对灌区浅层地下水的补给量具有减小趋势,其多年平均值为79104.5×104m3,下降速率为-402.68×104m3/a;灌区内河流渗漏补给和含水层侧向补给浅层地下水量的多年平均值分别为1638.8×104m3和107.5×104m3。在年内各补给项对地下水的补给量分配不均,在汛期(6~9月)和灌溉期(3~5月和9~10月),占全年补给量的87.5%,在非汛期和非灌溉期如(1、2、11、和12月),占全年补给量的16.7%。在空间上,大气降水和灌溉对灌区地下水年均补给强度为166.5mm/a。其中灌区上游、中游和下游地区的大气降水和地表水灌溉下渗补给地下水强度依次减少,各区域年平均值分别是185.6mm/a、166.2mm/a和147.1mm/a。根据位山灌区地下水补给特征,针对灌区水资源利用现状和问题提出相关建议以保证灌区社会经济与地下水协调发展。
[Abstract]:The groundwater system in the irrigation area belongs to the semi natural ecosystem. The water circulation of the irrigation area is more complicated because of the influence of human activities. With the rapid development of industry and agriculture, the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources is becoming more and more serious. At the same time, the shortage of groundwater system, runoff, excretion and so on, and the irrational exploitation and utilization of groundwater in irrigation area have resulted in the irrigated area. The conditions of groundwater exploitation are deteriorating, ground subsidence, brackish water and salt water intrusion. Therefore, the influence factors of groundwater and the evolution law of groundwater system are studied, and the characteristics of groundwater recharge in the irrigation area are studied, and the rational exploitation, utilization and distribution of groundwater resources and surface water resources science in the irrigation area and the stability and health of the irrigation area are made. The development and the groundwater environment protection provide the theoretical basis. This paper takes the largest irrigation area in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, the fifth big irrigation area of the country as the research object. According to the hydrology and groundwater related data in the Yellow River irrigation area, the extreme value method is adopted and the grey correlation method is used to analyze the dynamic characteristics and influence factors of shallow groundwater in the irrigation area. Isotope tracer technique is used to analyze the influence factors and Recharge Characteristics of shallow groundwater recharge in irrigation area, and combine ArcGIS and Visual MODFLOW software to simulate the dynamic characteristics of groundwater dynamic changes in Yishan irrigation area, revealing the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of shallow groundwater recharge in Yishan irrigation area. The main research results are as follows: (1) the interannual variation of shallow groundwater level in irrigation area is a new one. There are periodic fluctuations, generally showing stable, declining, uplifting and stable trends, and a larger change in the year. In space, the groundwater level in the irrigation area is consistent with the ground elevation change, which is gradually decreasing from the south to the northeast, the water level in the southern and central regions of the irrigation area is high and stable, and the water level in the northeast region is low and stable, in the West and in the north. The influence of natural factors on groundwater is larger than that of human factors, and the influence degree of artificial factors on groundwater varies from area to area. The middle reaches of the irrigation area are mainly influenced by surface water irrigation, and the lower reaches of the lower reaches are affected by the groundwater exploitation, in which the precipitation and surface water are irrigated. It is the main factor of groundwater recharge in the irrigation area. (2) based on the analysis of the influence factors of groundwater and the manual tracer test, it is found that the mean value of the groundwater recharge intensity in the irrigation area and the surface water irrigation is 167.7mm/a, of which the recharge intensity is 193.1mm/a in the irrigated area, and the mean value of the recharge intensity in the non irrigated area is 104.4mm/a. under the same planting type. The recharge intensity of winter wheat to summer maize under irrigated conditions is 198.6mm/a and 110.7mm/a for groundwater, and the strength of the recharge of cotton under irrigation conditions is 138.3mm/a and 85.5mm/a, and the coefficient range of integrated infiltration and replenishment coefficient is 13.70%~22.44%. The value is 19.36%. (3) (3) based on the hydrogeology of the irrigation area and the data of the groundwater level by using the Visual MODFLOW software to construct the numerical model of shallow groundwater in the Yishan irrigation area. The model is used to simulate the water balance in the irrigation area. The results show that the groundwater recharge is 103508.2 x 104m3, the total excretion is 106743.8 * 104m3, and the difference between the two is -3235.. 6 * 104m3, it can be seen that the groundwater system in the Yishan irrigation area is in a negative equilibrium state during the simulation period. The simulation results conform to the current situation of the exploitation and utilization of shallow groundwater resources in the current irrigation area. (4) through the analysis of the groundwater flow simulation results in the years of 2000~2014 and different hydrological years, it is known that the groundwater recharge in the irrigation area is in time, the irrigation of the precipitation and the surface water is irrigated to the irrigation area. The recharge of shallow groundwater has a decreasing trend, its annual average value is 79104.5 x 104m3 and the decline rate is -402.68 x 104m3/a, and the annual mean value of river flow leakage recharge and shallow groundwater recharge of aquifers is 1638.8 x 104m3 and 107.5 x 104m3. respectively in the year. In the flood season (6~9 month) and irrigation period (3~5 month and 9~10 month), it accounts for 87.5% of the annual replenishment. In the non flood season and non irrigation period, such as (1,2,11, and December), accounting for 16.7%. of the annual recharge, the annual recharge intensity of atmospheric precipitation and irrigation is 166.5mm /a. in the upstream of the irrigation area, the atmospheric precipitation and the surface of the middle and downstream areas. In order to ensure the coordinated development of the social economy and underground water in the irrigation area, the annual average value of each region is 185.6mm/a, 166.2mm/a and 147.1mm/a., according to the characteristics of groundwater recharge in the Yishan irrigation area, respectively.
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