本文选题:松辽盆地 + 致密油 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The dense oil reservoir of Fuyu reservoir in the north of Songliao Basin is developed with large potential of resources and wide range of distribution. It is an important part of 40 million tons of continuous and stable production in Daqing Oilfield. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out the evaluation of dense oil. Fuyu reservoir in Daqing Gaohua Oilfield is a low porosity and low permeability reservoir with poor reservoir condition strong heterogeneity and complex pore structure. In view of the above situation, using the coring and core analysis data of the study area, the characteristic analysis of the lithology, physical property, mineral composition and other parameters of the dense oil reservoir in this block is carried out, which is based on the core data and logging data of the research block. The log evaluation model of organic carbon content, vitrinite reflectance, porosity, permeability, water saturation, mud content and brittleness index was established. Based on conventional physical property data, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging data and mercury injection data, the pore structure characteristics of the reservoir are studied, and 67 oil test zones in 12 wells are analyzed and studied. The saturation of 12 wells was calculated by using the comprehensive tight sandstone saturation model, and the cross plot of oil saturation and porosity of 67 oil test layers was plotted. The coincidence rate of the pattern was 88.1. the classification and evaluation method and standard of tight reservoir were formed. Based on the analysis of the main control factors of fluid identification in dense reservoir, the formula of resistivity correction under different salinity is established, the sensitive parameters are selected, the fluid identification chart is compiled, and the interpretation accuracy of oil-water layer identification plate is improved. Taking the oil recovery intensity as the standard and the classification of tight oil reservoir as the result, three quality factors, including macroscopic quality RQ1, microscopic pore structure quality RQ2 and engineering quality CQ, are constructed by applying the "seven properties" parameters. At the same time, three quality factors are constructed based on SPSS statistical analysis software. By using Fisher discriminant analysis, the discriminant expression of "dessert" of three types of reservoirs and the classification chart of "dessert" of three dimensional tight oil reservoir were established, and the classification method of "dessert" with the core of reservoir comprehensive quality evaluation was formed. The research results have been applied to the log interpretation of 42 tight oil exploration wells in the north of Songliao area. The average absolute error of reservoir porosity calculation is 0.98, and the interpretation coincidence rate of oil and water layers in straight wells is 95.7. The improvement of the coincidence rate of interpretation of vertical wells provides technical support for the optimum selection of "dessert" and geological research, especially the evaluation results of "seven properties" of dense oil vertical wells. It has become an important basis for the design of fracturing operation such as the selection of perforation location and the determination of fracturing section. It provides technical support for exploration and development of tight reservoir and has obvious economic and social benefits.
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