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发布时间:2018-05-11 11:33

  本文选题:黄土 + 渗透系数 ; 参考:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The permeability of loess is an important part of the nature of the loess. It is of great theoretical significance to study the permeability of different directions of the loess to the loess landslide caused by water infiltration. This paper chooses Jingyang County as the research area and chooses the Loess in Zhai tou village and Jiang Liu village as the research object. A vertical square is laid on the Loess Slope in Zhai tou village. 22 sampling points were set up in the sampling line, and a horizontal sampling line was set up in the adit of the Loess Plateau of Jiang Liu village. A total of 12 sampling points were set up. The saturated vertical permeability coefficient and the horizontal permeability coefficient of the loess were measured by the water head permeability test in the room, and the normal distribution was tested. Then the traditional statistical method and geostatistics were used. Method analysis its spatial variation characteristics. Through the indirect method of measuring soil water characteristic curve, the unsaturated permeability coefficient of loess is calculated and its relationship with water content is analyzed. The results are as follows: (1) the average value of Kv is 3.23 x 10-4cm/s and Kh average value is 1.70 x 10-4cm/s; the mean value of Kv at the adit is 3.23 x 10-4cm/s, Kh The average value is 1.29 x 10-4cm/s, and the difference between Kh and Kv is great. (2) the saturated permeability coefficient of the Loess at the trough is Kh, Kv is all subordinate to the logarithmic normal distribution, the saturated permeability coefficient of the Ma Lan loess layer and the gravel loess layer is Kh, and Kv also obeys the logarithmic normal distribution, and Kv all obeys the logarithmic normal distribution in the adit of the Loess and the permeability coefficient Kh, and (3) based on the transmission. According to the statistical method, the Kh, Kv, Kh and Kv in the cavern are of medium variability. Based on geostatistics, the saturation permeability coefficient of the slots and adit is Kh, and the spatial variability of Kv is mainly caused by the structure of the Loess itself. The spatial variability caused by the randomness is very small and the function is very small. The variation range of the Kv in the slots peace chamber is greater than Kh. The correlation of vertical direction is larger than that in horizontal direction. (4) the saturated permeability coefficient of loess decreases with the increase of buried depth, but the distribution of permeability coefficient in each stratum has a strong variability.



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