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发布时间:2018-05-16 10:42

  本文选题:黑河 + 梨园河 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The study area is located in the elm mountain area in the northeast of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and the Cenozoic tectonic activity is strong. The study of the characteristics of terrace development and deformation and the chronological sequence of terrace in this area can provide the basis for the uplift process of the new tectonic movement period and the entire elm mountain. This paper passes through the field of the Hexi Corridor Heihe, Liyuan River The terrace profiles at all levels, the elevation of the river and the cross section of the river valley are measured in detail, the samples are collected, the microgeomorphological measurements are carried out, and the data are arranged in the laboratory. The following conclusions are drawn: the highest development progression of Heihe terrace in the study area is six, and the highest development of the terrace in the Liyuan river is 5 level terrace. It shows that there are at least 6 different levels of uplift in this area. The river terrace is well developed and the terrace surface is flat, most of which are cultivated. The age of light release and light release and regional comparison of terrace in Heihe are respectively, T1 age is 5.54 + 0.61ka, T2 age is 12.7 + 0.9ka, T3 age is 19.69 + 1.32ka, T4 age is 47 + 3.4ka, and T5 age is 54.7 4.6ka and T6 are formed in the late Middle Pleistocene. According to the order status phase diagram, the tectonic uplift of Heihe in the upper Longwang Temple section is strong, and T3 is measured. The thrusting rate of third stage terrace in 2.564m and 5.913m. black estuary is 1.0mm/a, and the thrusting rate of grade fourth is 1.25mm/a. From the middle late Miocene to late Pleistocene, the thrusting rate of T4 is in the late Pleistocene. 0.12mm/a, reflecting the relatively strong tectonic activity of the late Pleistocene in Heihe. The study area has experienced five neotectonic movements: the elm mountain experienced the slow uplift of the Oligocene, the latest tectonic uplift began in the late Miocene epoch on the northeastern edge of the 3.58Ma Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the elm mountain began to rise, and the northern Qilian Mountains began to rapidly uplift and the Jiuquan foreland basin. Since the early Pleistocene, since the early Pleistocene, due to the resurrection of the old fault, the tectonic movement was obviously enhanced, the mountain body was raised, the upper Neocene was deformed and the tilt was obvious; the basin correspondingly subsiding, and the sedimentary Yumen formation was formed quickly, that is, the sedimentary Yumen formation. The Middle Pleistocene, the river began to cut down the terrace, the Liyuan River T5 near the Sunan Red Bay temple and the black mouth T6 formed. The strong tectonic movement made the Yumen formation deformed, and the Jiuquan formation in the basin began to deposit. Since the late Pleistocene, the sand and gravel layers of each river terrace were deposited in the basin, and the Jiuquan formation was slightly inclined. It reflects the strong tectonic activity of late Pleistocene in Heihe. In the middle period of the Holocene, the plain rivers cut down and developed low-grade terraces, mainly the T1 and T2 terraces of the Heihe and Liyuan rivers.



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