摘要】 工程地质灾害是人类可持续发展中面临的一个巨大挑战。近10年来,我国因地质灾害而造成的直接经济损失每年超过2800亿元,巨大的灾害不仅直接造成了人民生命财产的损失,而且冲击了社会发展的各项事业。只有对工程地质进行科学地评价,正确掌握工程地质环境这一自然因素,才能采取相应的措施来避免或减少地质灾害的发生。因此如何对工程地质进行科学、高效地评价直接影响到未来地质灾害的状况及其后果,它关系到我国可持续发展,构建和谐社会战略的成败,也是一个国家综合国力的体现。工程地质评价向来是影响城市规划和市政工程建设的最为重要的自然因素,经过过去几十年的发展,已经形成了工程地质方面各个指标的一些评价方法,近年来,已臻于成熟的GIS技术,在社会、经济、军事等各个领域得到了广泛的应用,在工程地质领域也开始发挥其作用。20世纪末到本世纪初,我国部分大城市中已初步建立了基于GIS的工程地质数据库,这些数据库大多服务于岩土工程勘察专业的管理、生产与研究等,还没有开始应用于工程地质的评价与研究领域。本文针对这一空白,研究如何构建基于GIS平台的工程地质评价的空间模拟方法。本文主要内容和创新点在于:首先,收集了青岛市大量工程地质资料,做了大量的基础工作,引入了层序的概念,以青岛市内七区(范围陆域1316.27km2、胶州湾374.40 km2)为例,对工程地质进行了标准层序化。为青岛市工程地质评价和工程地质资料的处理建立了数据提取标准。第二,在层序化地质的基础上,根据实际需求,确定了城市主要工程地质灾害的评价分析方法,以这些方法为依据编制了相应的计算模型并嵌入到工程地质评价空间模拟系统中。形成了城市工程地质评价空间模拟信息管理系统。为我国工程地质评价建立了计算机智能化的空间数据模拟平台。第三,以科学规划和土地资源充分利用为目标,在GIS技术的支持下,对城市工程地质灾害进行评价分析和研究,建立防止工程地质灾害的决策优化模型,努力避免或减少城市各种潜在灾害的发生和影响,避免存在城市灾害地区给各种工程活动带来的昂贵的处理费用和巨额附加费用。本文以青岛市7区为例,建立了青岛市工程地质评价空间模拟信息管理系统。说明了上述方法和系统的示范性。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Engineering geological disaster is a huge challenge for human continual development. In the recent decade, our country has lost beyond 280 billion Yuan due to the suffering and damage of the geological disaster, which not only led to the vital and wealth loss and also the retrograde related social undertaking. We can take countermeasures to avoid or reduce the geological disaster, if only we are conscious about the geological environment got from the scientific evaluation of the engineering geology. Therefore it is the vital factor for the control of the situation and the outcome of engineering geological disaster to have a scientific and efficient evaluation of the engineering geology, which also affects the comprehensive power of our nation.As a key factor for the city planning and civil engineering construction, the engineering evaluation has formed a serious of evaluation methods gradually. At the same time, the GIS technology has expanded and been used in many fields, such as civil construction, economy and military with the full-scale development of GIS itself. During the last decade, most cities of our country have constructed the engineering database which server for the management and research of the
geotechnical engineering reconnaissance results, but these database have not been applied in the field of the evaluation and research for the geological engineering. This paper just aims at filling this blankness, that is, focuses on the researching of how to build the special evaluation method of the
engineering geology based on the GIS platform.The research contents and the innovations of this paper are listed as below:Firstly, this paper first introduces the conception of the Standardized Divisory
Stratums (SDS). Lots of basic works, such as collection of amounts of engineering geological information and the common evaluative results analysis, are needed for the construction of the SDS. This paper takes the Qingdao city as a example and collects the geological data of the seven districts of Qingdao (1316.27km2 in land, 374.40 km2 in Jiaozhou Bay). According to the analysis of these data samples, the SDS is settled down according to different stratums characters. The SDS is necessary for the data abstraction and automatic input for the system database.Secondly, based on the SDS, the city main engineering geological disaster evaluation methods are developed, added of the practical needs. The
accordant calculation model are developed and then embedded in the spatial engineering geological evaluation system to form the entire SDSS. It is available to input and analysis and evaluate the
engineering data automatically under utilization of the implement of this system.Thirdly, this paper aims at building the countermeasure optimized model to prevent the engineering construction from geological disaster damage, or try to avoid the place, where the geological disasters tend to happen, to reduce the expensive expense needed for counteracting the dangerous geological situation, added the utilization of the GIS spatial implements.Taking the seven districts as example, this paper finally builds the
engineering geological evaluation spatial simulation information system to show the applicability of these methods, models mentioned above. 更多还原
【关键词】 工程地质灾害; 评价方法; GIS; 系统开发;
【Key words】 Engineering geology disaster; Evaluation method; GIS; System development;
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