本文选题:滑坡灾害 + 重庆市 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Landslide is a kind of geological disaster with high incidence and serious harm. The hazards brought by landslide include huge economic losses, heavy casualties, and influence on social stability. Landslide disasters are widely distributed and occur frequently in China, especially in Chongqing, which is in the front of the second step of our country. The topography of the region is broken apart, the geological structure is complex, and the rainfall is abundant. With the implementation of the western development strategy and the establishment of the three Gorges Reservoir area, human activities become more and more frequent, which makes the landslide disasters in the region more and more frequent. Therefore, in order to provide a strong basis for landslide prevention and control, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study landslide disasters in the region. The specific research contents are as follows: (1) this paper briefly introduces the hazards caused by the landslide disaster at present, and the significance of the research on landslide, the progress and present situation of landslide research both at home and abroad) based on the historical data of landslide disasters occurring from 2000 to 2010 in Chongqing. By analyzing the topography and landform of Chongqing, that is, slope, slope direction, elevation, and rainfall, the monthly rainfall from 2000 to 2010 is selected. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages between the decision tree algorithm and the SVM algorithm, it is found that the stochastic forest algorithm can quickly increase the size of the data and the latitude of the data attributes. Efficient implementation of classification prediction. Therefore, in this paper, random forest algorithm is selected to establish landslide prediction model, which can be more accurate for landslide research and prediction. In the process of stochastic forest modeling, R language is used as the implement tool. The results show that the accuracy of model training samples and test samples are above 80%, and the evaluation of the importance of the model to the characteristics shows that the slope has the greatest influence on the occurrence of landslide disaster. The slope between 15 degrees and 30 degrees is prone to landslide, among which precipitation is also an important factor that can not be ignored. Due to the seasonal activities of heavy rainfall, landslides have obvious seasonality, most of which occur from July to October of each year.
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