本文选题:风险评价 + 极端降雨 ; 参考:《东华理工大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Our country has a vast land area and diverse terrain. The mountainous area accounts for more than 69% of the total land area in China. The complex terrain in the mountainous area provides a breeding environment for the development of many natural disasters, most of which are related to landslides. With the construction of urban and rural roads, bridges, tunnels and various construction projects, the disturbance to the natural environment tends to be strong, the potential geological hazards with more complicated conditions increase, and in recent years due to global warming, The frequent occurrence of extreme rainfall events, especially the sharp increase of landslides induced by extreme rainfall events, make the disaster prevention and mitigation work face a more severe situation. Based on this, under the guidance of teachers, and supported by the scientific and technological project "Red soil slope catastrophe mechanism and risk assessment under extreme rainfall", the research group based on the relevant investigation data of the unstable slope in Duchang County, Jiujiang City. The purpose of this paper is to explore a set of theory and method system for risk assessment of red soil slope landslide in Poyang Lake region, and to establish monitoring network for regions threatened by geological hazards. It is of great academic value and practical significance to establish emergency measures and provide the working basis for the safety of life and property. Based on the on-the-spot measurement and investigation, this paper has carried out the following work: 1. On the basis of consulting a large amount of scientific research data and literature, the present research situation of geological hazard risk assessment at home and abroad has been comprehensively and systematically analyzed. The problems and suggestions in this field are put forward. Based on the previous research results, the mechanism of slope instability and the hazard sources affecting slope stability are analyzed and summarized according to the definition of geological hazard risk assessment. The steps of landslide hazard assessment in Poyang Lake area are summarized. Based on the analysis of hazard source identification in slope engineering, a landslide hazard assessment model based on extension theory and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation theory is established. Taking the unstable slope in the investigation area of Duchang County as an example, we use the evaluation model to evaluate the risk of the slope. By adding the factor of disaster prevention and mitigation, we further improve the connotation of vulnerability. The vulnerability evaluation steps are as follows: according to the damage effect of disaster bearing body, the type of disaster bearing body is divided, the distribution and quantity of each disaster bearing body are investigated and counted, and the value of disaster bearing body is calculated. Based on the classification of disaster bearing body types, the value loss rate of disaster bearing body is analyzed and discussed in this paper. A formula for calculating the loss rate of value in two aspects of resource property and material property is put forward. At the same time, combined with the ring risk evaluation model, the relationship between the value loss rate of landslide disaster bearing body and the damage grade of disaster bearing body is established. Based on the extension theory and fuzzy comprehensive theory, the vulnerability evaluation model is established. Taking Xiehe Primary School in Duchang County as an example, the vulnerability evaluation is carried out because of the complexity of the red loam landslide disaster system. The fuzziness of evaluation index and the uncertainty of risk. Firstly, we expound the complex system of landslide disaster in detail; then, according to the evaluation research in the previous chapter, combined with the condition of unstable slope in Poyang Lake area, Finally, the risk matrix method is put forward, and the risk evaluation of eight investigation areas in Duchang County is carried out by using the risk matrix method.
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