本文选题:美姑河流域 + 泥石流 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:泥石流是我国发生最为严重的地质灾害之一,其暴发突然、破坏力强。我国西南地区由于受新构造运动影响,地形地貌和地质条件十分复杂,加之地震作用,山体岩石破碎,使得泥石流在该地区频繁发生。本文所研究的美姑河流域位于四川省凉山彝族自治州,位于深切峡谷之中,两侧山谷受断裂影响,山岭总体呈NW~SE向展布,该地区自然灾害频发,特别是泥石流灾害,给当地居民生命财产安全造成巨大的威胁。本文结合美姑河流域地质灾害调查项目,对美姑河流域内泥石流空间分布特征、泥石流灾害孕灾背景、成生机制以及泥石流灾害堆积区危险范围等方面进行了研究;并结合数值模拟软件CFD中的CFX对约乌乐泥石流沟流动过程的速度场进行了三维数值模拟,得出了约乌乐泥石流危险区范围和速度场分布情况。本文主要进行以下几方面的研究:(1)在大量的现场调查分析以及遥感解译的基础上,统计分析了美姑河流域内发育的90条泥石流沟。根据泥石流发育区地形地貌、形成原因及流域内降雨情况,从不同角度对泥石流进行了分类总结出了不同类型的泥石流。(2)结合流域内年均降雨分布情况和流域内断层分布规律两方面,对美姑河流域泥石流空间分布特点进行进一步的分析说明,得出流域内泥石流分布规律的原因。(3)通过对影响流域内泥石流堆积扇堆积形态的影响因子进行分析,最终选取流域高差、物源量两个影响因子,建立了确定美姑河流域内泥石流危险范围的函数模型。(4)基于现场勘查,首先运用雨洪法对研究区约乌乐泥石流流量进行计算,然后运用RHINO软件建立约乌乐泥石流三维地形模型,基于CFD软件中的CFX模块对约乌乐泥石流进行数值模拟,分析了 50年一遇的大暴雨条件下的泥石流的发生、运动及堆积情况,得到约乌乐泥石流的速度流场云图和泥石流堆积扇的堆积形态,验证前文计算得到的泥石流危险范围的函数模型。
[Abstract]:Debris flow is one of the most serious geological disasters in China. Due to the influence of neotectonic movement, the topography and geological conditions are very complex in southwest China. In addition, the rocks of mountain body are broken up by earthquake, which makes debris flow happen frequently in this area. The Meigu River Basin studied in this paper is located in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. It is located in the deep canyon. The valleys on both sides are affected by the faults, and the mountains are generally distributed in the direction of NWSe. The natural disasters, especially the debris flow disasters, occur frequently in this area. It poses a great threat to the safety of local people's lives and property. In this paper, the spatial distribution characteristics of debris flow in Meigu River basin, the background of debris flow disaster occurrence, the mechanism of formation and the dangerous range of debris flow accumulation area are studied in combination with the geological hazard investigation project of Meigu River basin. Combined with CFX in the numerical simulation software CFD, the velocity field of the flow process of the debris flow gully in Jowhulle is simulated, and the distribution of the velocity field and the range of the dangerous area of the debris flow in Jowulle are obtained. Based on a large number of field investigations and remote sensing interpretation, 90 debris flow gullies developed in Meigu River basin are statistically analyzed in this paper. According to the landform and landform of the debris flow development area, the causes of the formation and the rainfall situation in the basin, According to the classification of debris flow from different angles, the paper summarizes different types of debris flow and summarizes two aspects: average annual rainfall distribution in the basin and fault distribution law in the basin. The spatial distribution characteristics of debris flow in Meigu River basin are further analyzed, and the causes of debris flow distribution law in the basin are obtained. The influence factors of debris flow accumulation fan accumulation in the basin are analyzed through the analysis of the factors affecting the shape of debris flow accumulation fan in the basin. Finally, two influencing factors of basin height difference and source quantity are selected, and the function model of determining the dangerous range of debris flow in Meigu River basin is established. Based on field survey, the flow of debris flow in the study area is calculated by using rain flood method. Then using RHINO software to set up the three-dimensional terrain model of Jowulle debris flow. Based on the CFX module of CFD software, the numerical simulation of the debris flow in Jowhulle is carried out, and the occurrence, movement and accumulation of debris flow under the condition of heavy rain in 50 years are analyzed. The velocity flow field cloud map and accumulation shape of debris flow accumulation fan are obtained, and the function model of debris flow hazard range calculated above is verified.
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