本文选题:中国南方 + 复杂构造区 ; 参考:《天然气工业》2016年08期
【摘要】:为了在中国南方四川盆地以外复杂构造区确定页岩储层的核心评价参数,准确把握页岩气"甜点"目标,以湖北来凤咸丰区块来页1井为例,利用钻井、二维地震及实验室分析测试数据等资料,对该区块上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组页岩气的形成条件进行了评价。结果表明:该区五峰组—龙马溪组页岩具有厚度较大、有机质丰度高、热演化程度较高、储集物性及含气性较好、可压性良好和保存条件良好等优点,为该区页岩气的生成和富集提供了良好的地质条件。进而建立了适合南方复杂构造区五峰组—龙马溪组页岩的主要评价指标体系,归纳了获得商业发现的5项核心评价指标:(1)优质页岩厚度大于20 m;(2)有机碳含量超过2.0%;(3)脆性矿物含量介于40%~70%;(4)页岩含气量大于2 m~3/t且甲烷含量超过90%;(5)距离通天断裂及目的层剥蚀线超过3 km。结论认为:该区块志留系五峰组—龙马溪组页岩满足上述评价标准,具有进一步开展工作的潜力;同时,五峰组—龙马溪组埋藏较浅,不属于超压体系,也对后期的规模开发和稳产提出了挑战。
[Abstract]:In order to determine the core evaluation parameters of shale reservoir and accurately grasp the "dessert" target of shale gas in the complex structural area outside Sichuan Basin in southern China, well Laipian 1 in Laifeng Xianfeng block, Hubei Province, is taken as an example to make use of drilling. The formation conditions of shale gas in the upper Ordovician Wufeng formation and Lower Silurian Longmaxi formation in this block are evaluated according to the data of 2-D earthquake and laboratory analysis and test. The results show that the shale of Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation in this area has the advantages of large thickness, high abundance of organic matter, high thermal evolution degree, good reservoir and gas-bearing properties, good compressibility and good preservation conditions, etc. It provides a good geological condition for the formation and enrichment of shale gas in this area. Furthermore, the main evaluation index system suitable for the shale of Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation in the complex structural area of southern China is established. Five core evaluation indexes obtained for commercial discovery: 1) the thickness of high quality shale is more than 20 mg / 2) the content of organic carbon is more than 2.0%) the content of brittle minerals is between 40% and 70% and 4) the gas content of shale is more than 2 mt3 / t and the methane content is more than 90 mm / 5) the distance between the faults and the The denudation line of the target layer is more than 3 km. The conclusion is that the shale of Silurian Wufeng formation Longmaxi formation meets the above evaluation criteria and has potential for further work, at the same time, the Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation are relatively shallow buried and do not belong to the overpressure system. It also challenges the scale development and stable production in the later stage.
【作者单位】: 中国华电集团清洁能源有限公司;中国地质大学(北京);
【基金】:国家科技重大专项(编号:2016ZX05025004-004) 国土资源部页岩气探矿权项目(编号:GT2012YQTKQCR0001) 中国华电集团公司重点项目“华电页岩气区块产能建设目标优选及开发前期评价”(编号:HDKJ16-01-36)
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