本文选题:围压 + 冻融循环 ; 参考:《岩土工程学报》2017年08期
[Abstract]:Considering the characteristics of the randomness of rock material defects, based on the theory of continuous damage mechanics, the damage model of freezing and thawing loading considering the influence of confining pressure is established. According to the geometric condition of the deformation and failure curve of the red sandstone, the model parameter expression of the basic characteristic parameter of the rock is determined by the full differential method, and the freeze-thaw through the red sandstone is followed. The study shows that the micromechanical response dominated by the crack is consistent with the macroscopic deformation failure characteristics. With the increase of the number of freeze-thaw cycles, the damage degree of the rock is aggravated and the mechanical properties of the material are deteriorated at the macroscopic level. But in the middle and late stages of the deformation, the same damage degree rock. The rock strain increases and the plastic property is enhanced, and the confining pressure can improve the stress state of the rock. As the confining pressure increases, the damage degree of the rock decreases, and the strength of the material resistance to failure and the increase of the plastic deformation are shown on the macro.
【作者单位】: 西安科技大学力学系;广西建工集团基础建设有限公司;西安科技大学建筑与土木工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(11172232,41272340,41302228,41672305) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2014T70931) 陕西省重点科技创新团队计划项目(2014KCT-30)
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