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发布时间:2018-07-11 16:02

  本文选题:遥感 + 地震次生地质灾害 ; 参考:《中国科学院大学(中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所)》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The secondary geological disaster of earthquake has the characteristics of short formation time, strong sudden, destructive and strong inducibility, which can aggravate the earthquake damage effect and seriously impede the successful implementation of emergency rescue work after the disaster. It is of great significance for the rescue, emergency and reconstruction after the earthquake to obtain the disaster information of the secondary geological disasters. Remote sensing technology, with its rapid, macro and economic advantages, has gradually become one of the important means of space observation. The traditional post earthquake disaster investigation based on remote sensing technology is determined by the synthetic analysis of artificial visual interpretation of remote sensing data combined with the comprehensive analysis of auxiliary geographic data. With remote sensing, space technology and computer technology Rapid development of the rapid identification and detection of secondary earthquake disaster based on remote sensing technology has gradually developed into automation and intelligent direction. The fine classification of high resolution remote sensing images after disaster, the change detection of multi-phase remote sensing data and the comprehensive utilization of multi feature analysis of images have gradually become the current remote sensing technology. The main means used for disaster emergency is also one of the hot spots of scholars at home and abroad in recent years. The characteristics of the secondary geological disasters on high resolution remote sensing images are the physical basis of the extraction of remote sensing information of secondary geological disasters. Feature, selecting reasonable characteristic parameters to realize fast disaster information, intelligent extraction is one of the research directions of high resolution remote sensing information extraction. In addition, from the angle of computer vision, using visual significance analysis theory, fast extraction of significant target area and then get specific target information is the research heat of computer vision field. One point. Through the analysis and application of the visual attention model, the secondary geological disasters can be effectively identified and detected in view of the significant performance of the secondary geological hazards on the remote sensing images. This paper is fast and intelligent from the classical multi feature analysis and visual significance analysis to the two sides of the earthquake secondary geological hazard remote sensing information. The main results are as follows: (1) a method of automatic extraction of earthquake secondary geological hazards based on high resolution remote sensing images after the earthquake is proposed, which is based on the multi feature analytic hierarchy process. This method uses the characteristics of the spectrum, shape, texture and spatial distribution of the disaster images, by selecting reasonable special features. Parameters, automatically calculate parameter threshold, use expert knowledge to establish reasonable extraction rules, realize rapid and intelligent extraction of earthquake secondary geological disasters. The greatest advantage of this method is fast, intelligent, not dependent on human computer interaction, and has great practical significance for earthquake disaster emergency aid assistance. (2) two kinds of combination display are put forward. The two methods are based on the saliency detection of the typical seismic secondary geological hazards. The two methods use statistical learning and the similarity measure of super pixel region, respectively, on the basis of the super pixel segmentation of the original image. In order to solve the problem of lack of significant detection ability in remote sensing images with complex multi-target, the experimental results show that the algorithm has a better effect on the extraction of significant targets with more obvious types of uniform type or small difference. On the basis of the significance detection, it is not very suitable for extracting the information of the dammed lake after the disaster. (3) to compare the visual significance detection method with the classical multi feature analysis method, and propose a kind of seismic time which only uses the single phase high-resolution remote sensing image after the earthquake. The new pattern of remote sensing information of geological disasters is fast and intelligent. The main innovations of this paper are as follows: 1) a hierarchical analysis method based on multi feature synthesis is proposed to extract the earthquake secondary geological disasters; 2) the automatic calculation of the threshold value of the characteristic parameter is realized by the improved Otsu algorithm; 3) two kinds of combined saliency detection are put forward. The remote sensing information extraction method of measuring and super pixel segmentation has been successfully applied to the extraction of remote sensing information of earthquake secondary geological disasters. 4) comparing the visual significance detection with the multi feature comprehensive analysis method, a new model for rapid and intelligent extraction of remote sensing information of earthquake secondary geological disasters is proposed.


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