[Abstract]:Dongping-Wenshang metallogenic belt is located in the Luxi uplift of the southeastern margin of the North China plate. This area has better metallogenic conditions. The large and medium iron ore deposits in the whole province are almost distributed in the west of Shandong Province, and the Dongping-Wenshang metallogenic belt is an important place of iron ore production in this area. There are more than 10 large and medium-sized iron ore deposits, such as Zhang Baozhuang, Pengji, Li Guanji, etc. It is of great economic and research value. However, the sedimentary layer in this area is thick and the structure is complex, which is not conducive to the further exploration of the iron ore prediction area with development benefit. Based on the aeromagnetic survey project in the adjacent areas of Shandong, Henan and Anhui provinces, and on the basis of the previous research results and theories, and taking aeromagnetic survey data as the main basis, the field ground investigation work is carried out in this paper. By processing high precision aeromagnetic data, it is found that the study area is located in the positive and negative variation magnetic anomaly zone, with numerous anomalies, complex magnetic field features and NW anomaly strike. Most of the positive magnetic anomalies are caused by the magnetic metamorphic rocks of the Shancaoyu formation of Taishan rock group, some of the high values are mineral-induced anomalies, and the negative magnetic anomalies are mostly reflected by the depression areas covered by the thicker Quaternary system. The plane map of aeromagnetic 螖 T section, the plan of isoline, the vertical derivative diagram of the metamorphic pole and the upward extension diagram are mainly divided into 27 faults of three grades and some magnetic metamorphic rock belts. The study shows that the metamorphic rock belt related to metallogenesis can be extended north to Xulou area of Donga County, the north is cut off by Donga fault, and the westward extension can be extended to the southern area of Liangshan County, which is of great significance for prospecting in overlying area. Combining aeromagnetic information with previous geological data, 174 anomalies are extracted in the study area, and the anomalies are distinguished and classified. According to the typical anomalies in the region, 2.5D inversion fitting is selected, and the key ore prospecting anomalies are quantitatively interpreted to determine the spatial distribution shape, buried depth and magnetic strength of magnetic bodies. Finally, according to the characteristics of fault structure and lithologic distribution reflected by aeromagnetic field, based on the interpretation of local anomalies, combined with the spatial distribution of known deposits and the metallogenic law, the ore-prospecting criteria are established, and the important ore types are developed. The comprehensive information such as material and other information are superimposed and delineated for prospecting and prediction areas. Based on aeromagnetic information and combined with previous research results, the paper expands the area of Dongping-Wenshang metallogenic belt from north to west, and estimates the resource quantity of five known ore anomalies and inferred ore anomalies. The ore-prospecting markers of Dongping type sedimentary metamorphic iron ore deposits in the study area are established and 8 prediction areas of three grades are delineated in order to provide reference for the future prospecting and exploration work.
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