[Abstract]:The study on the depth of shallow groundwater in vegetable land near Erhai Lake is the basis for reasonable regulation of shallow groundwater level and prevention of soil nitrogen and phosphorus loss with shallow groundwater. Based on the monitoring of shallow groundwater depth in vegetable land of Erhai Lake from June 2014 to May 2016, the temporal and spatial variation characteristics and influencing factors of shallow groundwater depth were analyzed. The results showed that the average buried depth of shallow groundwater in five elevation areas was normal distribution, the average value was 25.21 ~ 45.07 cm, and the coefficient of variation was between 0.26 and 0.43. The variation coefficient of buried depth of shallow groundwater in rainy season is higher than that in dry season. The spatial variation of shallow groundwater depth in dry season and rainy season is irregular zonal distribution with contour. The spatial variation of water level, rainfall, irrigation, phreatic evaporation and soil physical characteristics are the main factors that affect the groundwater depth of the vegetable land in the near shore of Erhai Lake. Among them, the buried depth of shallow groundwater at a height of 1,966m is linearly correlated with the water level of Erhai Lake (p0.01), and they are connected and recharged, while the depth of groundwater buried in other shallow layers is linearly correlated with rainfall and irrigation amount (p0.05), and increases with rainfall, and the depth of groundwater buried in shallow layer is linearly correlated with the water level of Erhai Lake (p0.01). The depth of shallow groundwater gradually becomes shallow, and with the increase of evaporation and irrigation quantity, the depth of shallow groundwater becomes deeper. From near and far soil parent material to Quaternary red clay from near and far soil parent material to Quaternary red clay, the soil permeability of different layers becomes weak from strong to weak, resulting in the farther away from Erhai Lake, the higher the altitude, the shallow groundwater buried depth is shallow, the variation is smaller.
【作者单位】: 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所;云南农业大学资源与环境学院;中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所农业部面源污染控制重点实验室;云南省农业科学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41401248,41661048) 云南省农科院环资所所长基金项目(hz2013001) 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2014ZX07105-001)
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