[Abstract]:The magnetite deposits associated with the early Precambrian banded iron formation in China are concentrated in the Anben area of Liaoning Province, and are mainly formed by the late hydrothermal transformation of the strip iron formation. There are two causes of desilication of iron rich in iron and activation and reenrichment of iron. The former is represented by the rich iron ore in the second mining area of the Gongchangling iron deposit, and the ore-forming age of the ore-rich ore is about 1.84 Ga, while the latter is represented by the rich iron ore in the Sakuraoyuan mine of Qidashan iron deposit. But the ore-forming age of the iron ore is not clear. In order to study the metallogenic age of iron ore enriched by activation and reconcentration, Re-Os isotopic dating of molybdenite in Qidashan iron ore area was carried out. There are three kinds of molybdenum deposits in this area: the first occurs in granitic pegmatite as megacrystalline molybdenum aggregates, the second is thin film molybdenum at the edge of quartz lens in altered rocks, and the third occurs in quartz veins in mixed granite. The product is dyed. The age of the first molybdenum deposit is (2503 卤33) Ma ~ (2538 卤36) Ma, which represents the main stage of iron activation and reenrichment to form iron ore rich in iron ore, and formed in the North China Craton (about 2.5 Ga) where magma occurred, metamorphism and cratonization occurred, and molybdenum came from the earth's crust. It is proved that the first cratonization of the North China Craton in the late NeoArchaean was mainly the recombination of the material in the crust, and the second molybdenum was (2088 卤28) Ma.The ore-forming material came from the crust. The results show that the intracontinental orogenic events of rift, subduction, accretion and collision in the North China Craton are also mainly the recombination of materials in the crust, and the age of the third molybdenum deposit is (1834 卤28) Ma ~ (1853 卤29) Ma, which is consistent with the ore-forming age of the "desilication and iron rich" type iron ore deposit in the Gongchangling No. 2 deposit, and the ore-forming age of the third molybdenum deposit is (1834 卤28) Ma ~ (1853 卤29) Ma. The ore-forming materials come from the crust, but they are mixed with mantle components, which proves that the North China Craton basement uplift of 1.85 ~ 1.65 Ga, the intrusion of mafic dike group, and the formation of rift trough and rift valley involve mantle material.
【作者单位】: 辽宁省冶金地质勘查局地质勘查研究院;中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所;中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室;
【基金】:国家“973”项目(编号:2012CB416801) 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项(编号:200911007-15、201111002)联合资助
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