[Abstract]:In this paper, the alkaline porphyry and the Zhuopan alkaline complex in Dalianhuashan are studied. The magma source area of the alkaline intrusive body is discussed by means of petrology, petrography, petrochemistry, zircon U-Pb chronology and HF isotope. Formation process and tectonic environment. The main results are as follows: (1) the Dalianhuashan and Zhuopan intrusions are characterized by rich alkali and high potassium, quasi-aluminum-weak peraluminous elements, enrichment of large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements, significant depletion of high field strength elements such as Tahlang NbTiTiP and weak negative EU anomalies. Both belong to the series of kaliacite. The results show that both magmatic source regions are characterized by plate subduction dehydration and metasomatism to form enriched lithospheric mantle. (2) the U-Pb age of hornblende quartz monzogranite is 34 卤0.4 Ma. and the zircon U-Pb age is 33 卤0.3 Ma. in the alkali rich (porphyry) body of Dalianhuashan. The zircon U-Pb age of the syenite and pyroxenite is 33 卤0.4 Ma and 34 卤0.3 Ma, respectively. The main magmatic activity time of alkali rich porphyry in Lanping basin is determined to be 37 ~ 33 Ma. (3) the HF (t) value of zircon from Dalianhuashan is between -1.1 ~ 8.9, which is mainly positive, indicating that the magma is mainly derived from the mantle and contributed by a small amount of crustal material. The HF (t) values of zircon HF isotopes in the Zhuopan rock body range from -4.3 to 10.6, indicating that the source material mainly comes from the lower crust. (4) Analytic magmatic formation process and geoenvironment: Mesoproterozoic oceanic plate subducted bidirectionally to form metasomatic enriched continental lithospheric mantle. At the same time, the crust is thickened to form the new lower crust. At the end of Eocene, the stress state of the Jinshajiang-Honghe strike-slip fault zone changed from compressive shear to tensional shear due to decompression, forming the Dalianhuashan alkali-rich porphyry and Zhuopan alkaline complex.
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