[Abstract]:Microseismic monitoring technology is one of the most reliable methods for evaluating fracturing effect in oil field at present. Through accurate location of microseismic events, fracture strike, dimension and inversion mechanism can be judged, which provides a basis for subsequent production and development of oil field. Automatic identification of microseismic events and first break pick-up is one of the most important techniques. The picking speed and precision of seismic wave at first arrival directly affect the efficiency of micro-seismic positioning and the reliability of positioning results. Micro-seismic monitoring methods are mainly used in Tianjin. The micro-seismic source locates several hundred meters or even several kilometers below the earth's surface, and the signal-to-noise ratio of micro-seismic records is generally low, which leads to the limitations of the existing methods of automatic identification of micro-seismic events and first break picking in processing actual micro-seismic data. In order to accurately pick up the first arrival time of microseismic signals corresponding to all microseismic events, the number and time of microseismic events induced by hydraulic fracturing are uncertain. Firstly, the number of microseismic events and the approximate induced time are determined, and then the local microseismic data are picked up precisely according to the induced time of microseismic events. Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) method is simple to implement and easy to calculate. It is especially suitable for local data acquisition with microseismic events. However, the calculation efficiency of large-scale microseismic data processing for long-term records needs to be improved. In order to overcome the shortcomings in the above studies, a new method based on Fast-AIC algorithm is proposed to pick up the first break of microseismic signals. In order to overcome the dependence of micro-seismic identification method based on perforation signal on pre-perforation data, a layered velocity model based on acoustic logging curve is proposed and ray tracing theory is used to forward modeling when there is no actual perforation data. The perforation signal is calculated instead of the actual perforation signal. Then, according to the geophone arrangement parameters and formation velocity parameters of hydraulic fracturing monitoring system, the local effective data is selected near the trigger time of micro-seismic events, and the local data is filtered by Curvelet transform to provide high signal-to-noise ratio for accurately picking up micro-seismic signals. Finally, in order to improve the efficiency of picking up the first break of microseismic signals, the traditional AIC algorithm is deduced mathematically, and the original formula is transformed to get the arithmetic sum of discrete real number sequence and the linear combination form of square sum. The fast AIC algorithm (Fast-AIC algorithm) is obtained by reducing the repeated calculation. Compared with the traditional AIC method, the computational efficiency is more than 1000 times higher after 6500 sampling points. Based on the technical scheme studied in this paper, the method of picking up the first arrival of microseismic events and automatic identification based on Fast-AIC algorithm is programmed and realized. The reliability and accuracy of this method are tested and analyzed. At the same time, this method and several conventional methods are used to automatically pick up the first break of the actual hydraulic fracturing microseismic data in Shanxi, China. Compared with the results of manual picking, the absolute error of the picking result is smaller.
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