[Abstract]:An early Paleozoic ophiolite-Wan River ophiolite melange has been newly determined in the east of Tongchang Street ophiolite melange belt. The existing rocks include polysilicon Muscovite quartz schist, greenschist-plagioclase schist, dolomite diorite-plagioclase, lamellar amphibolite-metamorphic heap gabbro, retrograde metamorphic eclogite, etc. It represents the ocean-going deposits of ophiolite suite, ocean floor basalt, light-colored rock series, magnesitic heaps, high-pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks. A zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age of 470.8 卤5.3Ma was obtained from the DUI cline feldspar in Mengku County, Shuangjiang County, indicating that the Wanhe ophiolite melange was formed in the early Paleozoic. Taking the data from the Shonahe section as an example, the geochemical characteristics of the major elements, rare earth elements and trace elements in the magmatic rocks in the ophiophoric melange of the Wanhe River are introduced in detail in this paper. The study shows that it can be divided into two types: 1 light-colored series, and its SiO2J 57.00 layer is 69.68%, and Na2O2O1.360.36T / 1.380.380.380.38K _ 2O0.26. the average Na _ 2O / K _ 2O _ 2 is 10.12. It is a typical natritic granite with a "L" type REE distribution curve strongly enriched by LREE, which is mainly composed of plagioclase and quartz diorite. 2 basic rocks. The SiO2 / SiO2 / 48.72 / 53.72 / TiO2D / TiO2S / 0.75 / 0.75 / 1.96 / 0.96 / 0.45 / 1.29, with a REE partition curve of LREE deficit and weak enrichment, which is comparable to the oceanic ridge-quasi oceanic basalt. In the Hf-Th-Nb-Zr-Y diagram, the samples are located in the (CBA) / volcanic arc basalts of the (MORB) island arc calc-alkaline basalts in the oceanic ridge basalt area. On the whole, the samples in the Shonahe section have the characteristics of oceanic ridge-quasi-oceanic ridge basalt, and some arc volcanic rocks, similar to so-called prearc basalt or mid-oceanic ridge basalt. It suggests that the Proto-Tethys oceanic basin in the Changning-Menglian tectonic belt reached its peak in the late early Ordovician and began to subduction of the oceanic crust. Subsequently, the ancient Tethys basin along Tongchang Street-Niujingshan line expanded rapidly, completing the succession evolution from the original Tethys Ocean to the Ancient Tethys Ocean.
【作者单位】: 云南省地质调查院;中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室;
【基金】:云南区域地质调查片区总结与服务产品开发(DD20160345-02) 云南省科技领军人才培养计划项目(2013HA001) 中国地质调查局地质调查项目(12120114014601) 国家自然科学基金项目(41672222)~~
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