[Abstract]:In order to study the fracture process of deep rock under explosion shock, the experimental device of active confining pressure constraint and explosion loading of center hole was established. The dynamic test technique, high-speed camera and digital image correlation method were used. The strain field and surface crack propagation process of rock under combined dynamic and static loading are obtained. Based on Johnson-Holmquist constitutive model, the dynamic response of rock explosion under different confining pressures was simulated. The results show that the circumscribed pressure forms compression prestress in the circumferential direction of the cylindrical specimen, which weakens the toroidal tensile failure, the radius of the fracture zone, the number of cracks and the geometrical size of the crack, and decreases significantly with the increase of the confining pressure. The farther away from the hole, the lower the intensity of explosion stress wave and the stronger the effect of confining pressure on crack. Combined with elastic mechanics and cylindrical elastic wave theory, the stress field under dynamic and static loading is analyzed. It is found that the circumferential compression stress caused by confining pressure reduces the tensile failure caused by explosion, which is the same as the experimental results. The numerical simulation results show that the stress field increases with the increase of confining pressure, while the circumferential tensile failure weakens with the increase of confining pressure. The fracture radius and crack morphology under different confining pressures are in good agreement with the experimental results.
【作者单位】: 北京理工大学爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室;
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