[Abstract]:Under the complex stress condition, the internal damage and the influence of the damage evolution process on the strength, stability and seepage flow of the fractured rock mass are always the key and difficult points in the research of rock mechanics and rock engineering. In order to study and analyze the damage of fractured rock mass under complex stress and the influence of damage evolution process on macroscopic mechanical behavior of fractured rock mass, the fracture mechanics, damage mechanics and numerical simulation theory of fractured rock mass are studied in this paper. Based on the theory of fracture mechanics, the primary crack initiation criterion, initiation direction and wing crack propagation criterion of fractured rock mass under compressive shear and tensile shear stress are studied. The strength of rock bridge, the friction coefficient in crack plane, the adhesion force are discussed. The influence mechanism of rock internal friction coefficient, crack spacing, rock bridge angle and crack azimuth on crack through-through mode. Combined with the theory of fracture mechanics and Betti's energy reciprocal theorem, the damage constitutive equation of fractured rock mass with multiple primary cracks is established by using superposition theory and volume average equivalent hypothesis. The dynamic damage evolution mechanism of fractured rock mass is revealed by studying the variation of crack propagation length and the number of primary cracks in fractured rock under loading. According to the model, the stress-strain relationship curve of fractured rock mass under complex stress is calculated, and the existing experimental data are fitted and analyzed. It is shown that the damage and damage evolution constitutive model can accurately reflect the physical response characteristics of porous fractured rock, and it is useful for the analysis of mechanical properties of fractured rock mass in the process of damage evolution. Because of the complexity of internal structure of fractured rock mass, it is difficult to study its dynamic response from the physical essence. Based on the TPHM model, the influence of pore fractures on the elastic properties and longitudinal and shear wave velocities of rocks is studied from the point of view of rock physics. The TPHM wave equation of porous fractured rock media is established, and the existing experimental data are fitted and analyzed. It is shown that the equation accurately reflects the dynamic response characteristics of porous and fractured media. In essence, the influence of pore fractures on the macroscopic physical properties of rock is considered, and the nonlinear elastic behavior of porous media in the process of wave transfer is reflected. The research work of this paper is supported by the project of the National Natural Science Foundation (Project Grant No.: 51374257) and the Project of the Ministry of Education's New Century Talent Program (Project approval No.: NCET-09-0844).
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