[Abstract]:Based on seismic, drilling, analytical and laboratory data, based on the study of basin background, structural characteristics and sedimentary characteristics, hydrocarbon source rock logging evaluation and basin simulation resource evaluation techniques are adopted. The hydrocarbon source rocks and resource potential of Gongdian formation-Sha 4 member of Paleogene in Baoding depression of Jizhong depression are systematically evaluated and their oil and gas exploration prospects and favorable exploration directions are comprehensively analyzed. The study shows that Baoding sag is a dustpan shaped depression controlled by the Taihang Shandong fault zone, and has similar basin setting and tectonic-sedimentary evolution characteristics as the Langgu, Xushui and Shijiazhuang sag in the west of Jizhong depression. During the sedimentary period of the Kongdian formation and the fourth member of the Shahejie formation in the Paleogene, the northern Baoding sag and the northern Dianbei depression of the Baxian sag are connected to each other, which is the same catchment lake basin. There are two sets of halo-deep lacustry-deep lacustrine source rocks in the second and third member of the pore. The distribution area of the high quality source rocks with organic carbon content more than 2% is 1470km~2 and 910km2, respectively, and the thickness of the depression area is 1010 ~ 140m. The predicted oil resources and natural gas resources in Baoding sag are (1.27 ~ 2.03) 脳 10 ~ (8) t and (270.24) ~ (333.29) 脳 10 ~ (8) m ~ (-1) 路m ~ (3) respectively. These oil and gas resources are mainly concentrated in buried hill series and Kongdian formation. The sag has a good prospect for oil and gas exploration. The structure of Qingyuan buried hill in "middle uplift" type in this area has good reservoir forming conditions, which can form a "new ancient reservoir" type buried hill reservoir and a structural reservoir in the first section of the pore, which is one of the favorable breakthrough points for exploration.
【作者单位】: 中国石油华北油田公司;长江大学地球物理与石油资源学院;
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