[Abstract]:Wuqi-Dingbian area is located in the middle of Ordos basin. Chang8 is one of the key oil-bearing strata discovered in this area in recent years. In this paper, sequence stratigraphy, geochemistry and sedimentology are used synthetically. Based on the theories and methods of multi-disciplinary petroleum geology, such as reservoir geology and reservoir dynamics, the distribution characteristics, structural characteristics, sedimentary reservoir characteristics, reservoir control factors and petroleum enrichment law of Chang8 reservoir in Wuqi-Dingbian area are systematically studied. The main controlling factors of oil reservoir formation in Chang 8 layer are clarified. It is considered that the reservoir enrichment in the study area is not only controlled by the distribution range of hydrocarbon source rock, but also controlled by the source rock distribution range. The trap and migration conditions are the key to reservoir formation. The source rocks developed at 1: 1 provide sufficient oil source conditions for oil accumulation in Chang 8 reservoir, and control the enrichment range of oil and gas, the subaqueous distributary channel developed along the delta front facies belt. Estuarine dam, far sand dam, poor transversal connection, and vertical superposition can provide abundant reservoir for oil and gas enrichment, and are favorable zones for forming lithologic and physical traps. The excess pressure is the driving force to promote oil and gas migration, and the low pressure funnel area near high pressure is the direction of oil and gas migration. The exploration potential of Chang 8 reservoir in the study area is defined, and the oil and gas enrichment law of Chang 8 reservoir in the study area is revealed.
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