[Abstract]:Huaishuping gold deposit, located in Songxian County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, is a large gold deposit newly discovered in Xiongershan area, western Henan Province in recent years. In this study, 29 trace elements were collected from different types of fresh surrounding rock, altered rock and ore and 1: 20000 area soil in Huashuping Gold Mine area. The geochemical prospecting indicator elements of the Huaishuping gold deposit are determined from two sampling media: rock and soil. On the one hand, based on the element content characteristics of relatively fresh surrounding rock, the anomaly limit of each trace element in the rock is determined, and the ratio of the average content of trace elements to the anomaly lower limit in altered rock and ore is calculated respectively, that is, anomaly contrast. According to the scale of anomaly contrast greater than 1.4, the trace element assemblages in altered rock and ore are determined. On the other hand, based on the Au and 28 trace elements in the fresh rock, altered rock, ore in three kinds of media content relationship scatter diagram to determine the trace element combination of indicating gold mineralization. The indicator element assemblage of petrogeochemical prospecting in Huaishuping gold deposit area is determined to be 13 items by Au,Ag,As,Sb,Hg,Sn,Mo,Bi,Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Nb. Based on the investigation of 1: 20000 area soil on the surface, the geochemical anomaly analysis map of trace elements in Huaishuping Gold Mine area was drawn by using the anomaly contrast of 1.4 in the above mentioned rocks as the lower limit of soil anomaly. Taking the main metallogenic segment of Jigongshan area in Huaishuping gold deposit area as the model, the indicator element assemblage of soil geochemical prospecting is determined to be 11 items by Au,Ag,As,Sb,Hg,Bi,Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,B. Based on the above results, it is concluded that the soil has obvious succession to rock in the assemblage of ore-prospecting indicator elements. Based on the 10 common mineral prospecting indicators in rock and soil media, a normalized comprehensive anomaly index was constructed. A comprehensive evaluation of the whole Huaishuping mining area was carried out according to the standard of Jigongshan mine section, and it was found that the Mati ditch in the Huashuping mining area was found. Qinfouyegou, Jiangkelin and Tianping West 4 have prospecting potential similar to Jigongshan ore section.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室;五矿勘查开发有限公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41230311) 五矿勘查开发有限公司科技项目(2013KC0201)联合资助
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