[Abstract]:Low velocity drop near the surface brings a lot of adverse effects to high-precision seismic exploration. Relative to deep dense strata, the absorption and attenuation of seismic high-frequency signals in loose near-surface low-velocity zone is very serious, resulting in the change of lithologic space near the surface, and the serious spatial change of excitation energy and excitation wavelet. The change of seismic attribute information caused by the final imaging and reservoir reflection is much larger than that caused by geological and oil and gas factors. The quality factor Q itself reflects the physical characteristics of strata and rocks. In order to eliminate the dispersive absorption of seismic waves in the process of propagation in near-surface media and improve the resolution of seismic data, Inverse Q filter is an effective method for seismic wave compensation. In this paper, the factors affecting seismic wave propagation near the surface and the inverse Q filtering method are introduced, the physical mechanism and characteristics of absorption attenuation are analyzed, and the theoretical model of surface absorption attenuation is established. The Q value is quantitatively estimated by absorption compensation technique, and the method of constructing Q value field is obtained. Through the measurement of the near surface attenuation, the attenuation law is found, and the near surface absorption compensation method is obtained and the near surface absorption attenuation is compensated on this basis. Finally, through the AVO attribute analysis, the AVO processing model is established. The prestack AVO inversion process is obtained and applied to the actual seismic data, which improves the resolution of seismic data and improves the accuracy of AVO oil and gas detection. In this paper, the near surface absorption compensation and its application in AVO analysis are studied. At the same time, the resolution of seismic data is improved, and the near surface influence is corrected reasonably and quantitatively, and the precision of AVO prestack inversion is improved. It provides reliable data guarantee for favorable area and target well location selection.
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