[Abstract]:After the Lushan Ms7.0 earthquake on April 20, 2013, in order to study the in-situ stress state in the southwest segment of Longmenshan fault zone, the in-situ stress measurement of two boreholes was carried out in this area by using the hydraulic fracturing method and the pressure-magnetic stress relief method. The measured results show that the minimum horizontal principal stress at the Moraine / Residential site is 10.47 ~ 18.47 MPa, in the depth of 128 ~ 188m, and the maximum horizontal principal stress is 19.60 ~ 25.83 MPa, in the direction of N63 掳/ 85 掳W, and the minimum in the depth of 114 ~ 142m in the Tianquan survey site. The magnitude of horizontal principal stress is 5.207.73 MPa,. The maximum horizontal principal stress is 8.21 ~ 9.31 MPa, direction and N59 掳W. The relationship between horizontal principal stress and vertical stress of the two measuring points is 蟽 H 蟽 s h 蟽 v, in which the maximum is observed at the residential moraine, the average value of the minimum ratio of horizontal principal stress and vertical stress is 5.27 and 3.01, respectively, and the maximum is the total measured point. The average values of the minimum ratio of horizontal principal stress to vertical stress are 2.60 and 1.76, respectively, which indicates that they are favorable to the reverse fault activity. By comparing the measured in-situ stress state before and after the Lushan earthquake in this area, it is found that after the Lushan earthquake, The accumulation of stress in the southwest section of the Longmenshan fault zone (i.e. Qionglai, Dayi-Baoxing, North and South Wenchuan) and south (Tianquan, Xingjing, Luding and Kangding areas) has increased. In the same depth range, the post-earthquake stress of the moraine site in the northern section is obviously higher than that before the earthquake, which is consistent with the results of in-situ stress monitoring at the residential moraine site. The measured stress direction is basically the same as that before the earthquake, and all of them are NW-NWW.. Based on the measured in-situ stress data, according to Coulomb's fracture criterion and Byerlee's law, the maximum horizontal principal stress of the fracturing section in the northern section is between the upper and lower limits of the critical value of fault sliding. The maximum horizontal principal stress after the earthquake has exceeded the upper limit of the critical value of fault slip. The maximum horizontal principal stress of the Feixianguan survey point located in the southern segment before the earthquake did not reach the lower limit of the fault slip critical value, while the maximum horizontal principal stress of the Tianquan survey point after the earthquake was between the upper and lower limits of the critical value of fault sliding. The ratio of the maximum shear stress (蟽 1- 蟽 3) / 2 to the average stress (蟽 1 蟽 3 / 2) 渭 M (fault friction) parameter is used to evaluate the accumulation level of in-situ stress and the seismic risk in the study area. Before the earthquake, the value of 渭 m at the moraine measuring point is 0.160.72, the average value is 0.50, and the value after the earthquake is 0.71 ~ 0.81, with an average of 0.77. Before the earthquake, the value of 渭 stack is 0.31 ~ 0.35, the average value is 0.32, the value of 渭 _ m is 0.53 ~ 0.57, the average is 0.55. The value of 渭 _ (M) in the two study areas has become larger. It is considered that after the Lushan earthquake, the accumulation of stress in the southwestern part of the Longmenshan fault zone increases, and that there is a possibility of fault sliding, especially in the northern part.
【作者单位】: 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所;国土资源部新构造运动与地质灾害重点实验室;中国石油大学(北京)地球科学学院;
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