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发布时间:2018-10-22 07:07
[Abstract]:In order to systematically investigate the effectiveness of short-term aftershock incidence prediction in the Shanxi, Hebei and Mongolian border areas, and to construct the earthquake prediction strategy and prediction index system suitable for the characteristics of regional seismicity. In this paper, by using the ETAS model and the "thinning algorithm", and using the method of continuous sliding prediction and N-test to evaluate the prediction efficiency systematically, the paper makes a retrospective study of 8 earthquake sequences in the Shanxi, Hebei and Mongolian border area since 1980. The results show that ETAS model and "thinning algorithm" can predict the incidence of aftershock in this area, and the proportion of "too little" is lower, but the proportion of "too much" is higher. In the early stage after the occurrence of the main shock, the effect of prediction is better, but the prediction efficiency decreases significantly with the duration of the sequence, and the situation of "too little" prediction can be improved by the moderate increase of the prediction time window, but the improvement of the situation of "too much" is not obvious. In addition, the weak excitation ability of higher-order aftershocks may be one of the reasons for the low prediction efficiency of the ETAS model and the "thinning algorithm". As a possible strategy for short-term aftershock occurrence prediction, it is suggested that in the application of ETAS model and "thinning algorithm" in this area, a 3-day prediction time window should be used only for the early stage of the sequence. It may be more practical to focus on the bottom line thinking of "no less than" to predict the number of earthquakes.
【作者单位】: 中国地震局地球物理研究所;
【基金】:中国地震局地球物理研究所基本科研业务费专项(DQJB13B19) 中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目“‘一带一路’自然灾害风险与综合减灾国际研究计划”联合资助


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