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发布时间:2018-10-22 11:45
[Abstract]:Quanji block is a microblock located in the northern margin of Qaidam basin, which is surrounded by North China plate, Tarim plate and Yangtze plate, especially in the tectonic position. Quanji Group is a set of Mesoproterozoic stable sedimentary caprocks developed on the metamorphic crystalline basement of the block. Since the beginning of the last century, many scholars have put forward their own understanding on the tectonic kinship of the northern margin of Qaidam. However, due to the lack of reliable isotopic age support or the fact that the argument is relatively simple and unconvincing, there has always been disagreement on this issue. There is no conclusion. One of the most representative views is that the Quan Ji block is a pyrolysis of the Tarim plate, which is similar to the North China plate in the Paleoproterozoic, while in the Meso-Neoproterozoic, it is more consistent with the characteristics of the Yangtze plate. The dating data provide good evidence for stratigraphic classification and structural phylogenetic analysis. In this paper, the experimental data are combined with the field data, and the detailed geological observation and study are carried out on the northern margin of Qaidam, the western margin of North China, the Alashan Longshou Mountain, the Helan Mountain of Ningxia and the west of Henan Province. The sedimentary sequence, stratigraphic contact relationship, volcanic event layer and special marker layer (moraine conglomerate layer and phosphorous layer) in the above mentioned areas are compared and analyzed. Finally, it is confirmed that the northern margin of Qaidam and the western margin of North China had relatively high tectonic affinity and paleoenvironmental similarity in the Meso-Neoproterozoic period, rather than contrasting the Yangtze plate. The formation of caprock sediments and the characteristics of rock assemblages may respond to the fragmentation of the (Columbia) supercontinent in Colombia.


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