[Abstract]:In recent years, the study on deformation structures of soft sediments in Lingshan Island area of Shandong Province has shown an upsurge, but the study horizon is mainly concentrated on the turbidite of the Laiyang Group of Lower Cretaceous, and the Qingshan Group of Lower Cretaceous has not been described in detail. The lithologic characteristics, lithofacies assemblages, types and characteristics of deformation structures of soft sediments in Qingshan Group of Lower Cretaceous in Lingshan Island area are described in detail by using field outcrop and microscopic sheet data. It is pointed out that the main host rocks of the soft sediments in Qingshan Group are continental fan delta sediments, whose sedimentary water bodies are gradually shallower and accompanied by many volcanic eruptions. The main types of deformation structures of soft sediments include load structure, ball pillow structure, drainage structure, squeeze structure, water plastic fold, plastic sandstone mass enclosing structure, volcanic earthquake rock fall structure and "V" type ground fracture, etc. The main causes are paleovolcanic earthquakes caused by volcanic eruptions. The genetic mechanisms are mainly seismic waves, pyroclastic gravity and inertial effects and instantaneous differential pressure effects. This is different from the deformation structure of soft sediments in the turbidite strata of Laiyang Group, which is mainly composed of collapse and tectonic paleoearthquakes. Based on the analysis of the relationship between the accumulation of pyroclastic flow and the developmental horizon of deformation structure of soft sediment, the distribution model of deformation structure of soft sediment in Qingshan Group is established, that is, with the change of distance from crater to crater, the brittle deformation, which is easily seen near the source, gradually disappears. In the middle source, the deformation and plastic deformation of the liquefied soft sediment are the main body, the far source is weak deformation of the liquefied soft sediment, and the scale of the deformation structure of the soft sediment is negatively related to the distance.
【作者单位】: 中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院;中国石油大学(华东)地球化学与岩石圈动力学开放实验室;米兰比可卡大学地球与环境科学系;山东黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区管理局;中海石油研究总院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41272123) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(编号:15CX06011A)联合资助~~
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