[Abstract]:Absrtact: periodic structure has the characteristic of frequency attenuation domain, and the wave propagation will be restrained in the frequency range contained in the attenuation domain, which has been proved by the existing achievements in layered periodic isolation foundation. However, in practical engineering, the foundation bears the gravity from the superstructure, which will be converted into the initial stress of the foundation. The influence of the initial stress on the characteristics of the attenuation domain of the periodic foundation has not been considered by the researchers. On the premise of considering the initial stress, this paper will study the calculation method of the attenuation domain of the layered periodic foundation, and use the finite element software ANSYS, to simulate and analyze the dynamic characteristics of the composite layered periodic foundation. The main research contents and achievements are as follows: 1. The transfer matrix method is introduced in detail, and the attenuation domain of layered periodic foundation with initial stress is calculated by using this method. 2. Using concrete and rubber as the material of periodic foundation, the attenuation domain is calculated, the influence of geometric parameters and initial stress on the periodic foundation is analyzed, and two kinds of periodic foundation models are designed. 3. The combined layered periodic foundation model is established, and the frequency response analysis is carried out with the finite element software ANSYS. The results show that compared with the periodic foundation without applying initial stress, The combined layered periodic foundation with initial stress can not only widen the attenuation region but also reduce the influence of low frequency wave on the structure more effectively. 4. The finite element dynamic response analysis of periodic foundation is carried out, and it is found that the application of initial stress can effectively reduce the acceleration, displacement and interstory displacement response of the frame structure. In addition, through the analysis of displacement time history, it is further verified that the existence of attenuation domain plays an important role in isolation. 5. The initial stress is applied on the basis of combined layered periodicity, and its response under the action of Big Bear seismic wave is studied. The results show that the foundation has a very obvious isolation effect.
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