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发布时间:2018-11-04 17:49
[Abstract]:Texture feature is an important feature of remote sensing image. Texture analysis plays a more and more important role in remote sensing image recognition. A large number of studies show that texture analysis is an important means to improve the accuracy of image classification, and the key of image classification is to extract the image texture features correctly. How to quickly and correctly extract image texture features and choose the appropriate feature dimension has been a hot research direction. Based on the texture features of typical ground objects in the image, this paper studies the extraction of image texture features, classifies the images according to the extracted texture features, and applies them to the extraction of earthquake disaster information, which provides information reference for post-earthquake rescue. The main contents are as follows: firstly, on the basis of reading a large number of previous research results, this paper analyzes the texture features of typical ground objects such as buildings, mountains, water bodies and so on, which can distinguish different features very well. The methods of texture extraction are summarized, such as statistical analysis method, geometric feature method, signal processing method and model method. The present situation and characteristics of these texture analysis methods are analyzed, and the gray level co-occurrence matrix, the travel length matrix and the gray difference matrix method are determined as the feature extraction methods in this paper. The feature extraction algorithm is realized by programming, and the feature value of the image is calculated. In order to achieve the effect of fast operation and good classification accuracy, the feature dimension of these methods is screened, and the image classification accuracy under different dimension features is compared by weight analysis algorithm. It is determined that the 15-dimensional feature quantity is used in the image classification experiment in this paper. The remote sensing images before and after the Yushu earthquake were selected as experimental samples, and three kinds of samples representing the information of earthquake disaster were selected, such as intact building, severely collapsed building and slightly collapsed building. Decision tree algorithm and support vector machine classifier are used for classification. The single feature classification and the mixed feature classification, the single feature classification sample select the building, the mixed feature classification sample selects the building, the mountain body, the water body, the road and so on. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the proposed method is more than 87% and can be recognized from a large number of samples. On the basis of these experiments, disaster information is extracted and ground objects are classified directly in the post-earthquake image area, and the building samples representing earthquake disaster information are identified. The experimental results show that the method can extract the seismic information well, and the dimension of the selected feature has the advantages of high classification accuracy and fast running speed, so it is more representative.


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