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发布时间:2018-11-05 08:02
[Abstract]:The separation of materials in the process of wind transport may lead to the difference of sediment properties between the sedimentary region and the source area, which is of great significance for studying the tracing of provenance. The paleo-underwater sediment and aeolian sediment in Alashan area were selected to measure the magnetic parameters, to investigate the influence of sorting on the sediment properties, and to discuss the implications for the study of loess provenance in the Loess Plateau of China. The results show that the magnetic properties of fine sand components of paleo-underwater sediment and aeolian sediment are basically the same, but the composition of silt is obviously different, and the magnetic mineral concentration of paleo-underwater sediment is significantly lower than that of aeolian sediment. Wind separation may be the main reason for the strong magnetic properties of silt components in aeolian sediment. The concentration of high coercivity minerals in the paleo-underwater sediments is relatively low, which indicates that the paleo-underwater sediments can be used for the tracer study of loess provenances. The comparison of magnetic properties between sediments in Alashan area and loess in Loess Plateau shows that the magnetic properties of aeolian sediment and loess in Loess Plateau are obviously different, but the magnetic properties of paleo-underwater sediments are very similar to those of Loess Plateau. This geological evidence supports that the Alashan area is an important source of loess sediments on the Loess Plateau and implies the great potential of paleo-underwater sediments in the tracing of loess provenances.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学资源环境学院/西部环境教育部重点实验室;


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