[Abstract]:The package gas zone is an important link between the atmospheric precipitation, the surface water and the ground water, and is of great significance to the protection of the ecological environment in the arid and semi-arid areas. Because the dynamic parameters describing the water migration of unsaturated zone have a high degree of non-linearity, the Richard's equation, which results in the water migration of unsaturated zone, also has a high degree of non-linearity, so it is extremely difficult to solve this kind of equation. In this paper, the analytical solution to the problem of water migration in the air zone of the bag can be obtained under relatively simple fixed conditions. However, in the case of the water flow in unsaturated zone under the complicated conditions, the most effective method is to adopt the numerical simulation method. Richard's equation is a second-order elliptic equation in space, but it has a parabolic equation for time. Therefore, a series of problems such as numerical dispersion, numerical oscillation and non-conservation of quality can be easily caused when using the traditional numerical simulation method such as the finite difference method and the finite element method. In the 1980s, Chen Jingren proposed a new numerical method of numerical calculation _ finite analytic method. The basic idea of the finite analytic method is to form the whole numerical solution by the local analytic solution of the control equation, so that the obtained solution can maintain the physical property of the original problem, and the format can reflect the convection and the diffusion effect by automatically adjusting the limited analysis coefficient, and the numerical stability is high. In this paper, the finite analytic method is applied to solve the problem of water migration in the package gas zone. In this paper, the finite analysis and calculation scheme of the water migration under the homogeneous condition and the finite analytic calculation method under the non-homogeneous condition are presented in this paper. Through the qualitative and quantitative study, the following results and conclusions can be obtained: 1. In this paper, the stability and the convergence of the finite analytic calculation form are strictly proved, that is, the finite analytic method is proved to be unconditionally stable and convergent. In addition to the limited analysis and calculation of the negative pressure type, the finite analysis and calculation form of the four forms of homogeneous condition can obtain the numerical solution with high stability, good convergence and high precision, and can control the quality balance error better. By comparison with the analytical solution, the finite analysis and calculation form of the mixed-type Richard equation can obtain the numerical solution with the highest calculation accuracy and the best control quality balance error; the water content type Richard equation and the Kirchhoff-transformed Richard equation are the second in the finite analysis and calculation format, The finite analysis of the negative pressure type Richard's equation is the worst. Therefore, the limited analysis and calculation format of the negative pressure type Richard equation is not recommended. A numerical solution with high accuracy can still be obtained under the condition of relatively rough space steps, such as the mixed-type Richard's equation, the water-content-type Richard equation and the Kirchhoff-transformed Richard's equation. The finite analysis and analysis of the negative pressure type Richard's equation based on Kirchhoff's transformation are derived for the first time. The method is used to solve the problem of moisture migration in the non-homogeneous condition of the package gas zone. Compared with the analytical solution, the proposed algorithm can solve the problem that the variable is not continuous in the non-homogeneous interface after the Kirchhoff transformation, and the algorithm can obtain high-precision numerical solution under the condition of looser step. However, using the finite difference method (using the geometric mean to calculate the permeability coefficient of the internal node), the requirement of the space step size is high, and a great local single-point error can be caused on the non-homogeneous interface. and it also affects the calculation accuracy of the whole computing domain. The application of finite analytic method to the simulation of an indoor experiment. The simulation results of the finite analytic method are higher than that of the measured values, and the finite analytic method can be used to solve the relative complex practical problems.
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