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发布时间:2018-11-08 16:34
[Abstract]:Seismic exploration is widely used in energy mineral exploration and engineering exploration, but most of them are two-dimensional seismic exploration and corresponding two-dimensional seismic wave field numerical simulation. In recent years, three dimensional and even four dimensional seismic exploration has a great trend of development. This paper mainly focuses on the numerical simulation of three dimensional seismic. The simulation of the propagation characteristics of seismic wave field in three-dimensional anisotropic medium and viscoelastic medium is one of the most important topics in seismic exploration, and the theoretical algorithm can be verified by three-dimensional wave field simulation. The recognition of wave field features and the design of field observation system are instructive. In this paper, the rotation staggered grid is used to simulate the three-dimensional first-order velocity stress wave equation, and the velocity, stress component and medium parameters in the traditional staggered grid are redistributed. The stress component, elastic modulus and velocity component, density are placed on two vertices of the grid along the diagonal line, and the derivatives in the horizontal and vertical directions are approximately calculated by the four conductance values in the diagonal direction. In the forward modeling of rotating staggered grids, there is no need to average the elastic modulus, which makes the traditional staggered grid calculation results unstable when simulating seismic waves propagating in viscoelastic medium and anisotropic medium. The accuracy of wave field simulation is improved. In this paper, the numerical simulation of seismic wave field in elastic anisotropic medium is discussed. The wave field of viscoelastic medium is simulated by using Kelvin medium, and the difference of wave field between viscoelastic medium and elastic medium is analyzed. According to the artificial boundary conditions in numerical simulation, the absorption attenuation of the wave field near the model boundary is carried out by using the CE absorbing boundary and the non-splitting NPML absorbing boundary. The absorption effects of the two boundary conditions are compared under the same conditions. In finite difference numerical simulation, numerical dispersion will occur when the mesh spacing and sampling interval are not properly selected. The numerical dispersion can be suppressed effectively by introducing FCT flux correction technique, and the wave field simulation of the same scale model will be carried out. The grid spacing or sampling interval can be increased or the order of spatial difference can be reduced, and the computational efficiency can be accelerated to a certain extent. The combined boundary condition is used to simulate the surface wave and the advantage of 3D numerical simulation is used to describe the motion state of the particle in the process of surface wave propagation. The numerical simulation of 3D seismic wave field is of great significance in understanding the propagation of seismic wave field in practical medium. In the aspect of programming, distributed shared storage is used to design the program in parallel with MPI OpenMP library, which improves the efficiency of program calculation and the utilization of hardware.


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