[Abstract]:The dolomite strata in the West Bank of Namuco Lake in Baogi County, Bangol County, were previously divided into the lower Cretaceous Langshan formation. According to the newly discovered early Triassic conodont fossils, such as Ellisonia agordina,Hadrodontina anceps and Pachycladina cf.obliqua, they were revised as the tree correction formation. The age extension of the wooden error correction set was revised from the original definition of the late Permian to the early Triassic. The oil leaching phenomenon was also found in the dolomite formation. The preliminary test results of the oil leaching samples were as follows: saturated hydrocarbon content 34%, aromatic hydrocarbon content 1.1%, non-hydrocarbon content 51%, asphaltene content 13%. This discovery directly proves that the Moo error-correcting formation in Baoji area is an oil-bearing gas reservoir system, indicating that the paleogeostratigraphic system is no longer a potential oil and gas sedimentary formation, but an oil-bearing gas bearing system with practical production value. This discovery leads us to further divide the paleogeostratigraphic series into upper and lower assemblages, and the dolomite strata of the late Permian-early Triassic are oil and gas reservoirs in the lower assemblages of the paleogeostratigraphic series. The late Permian-early Triassic carbonate platform environment in the Cuoqin basin and the southern Qiangtang basin is similar to the sedimentary environment of the North Gas Field in the Arabian Peninsula and the Puguang Gas Field in South China, and has the geological background of forming a large oil and gas region. The dolomite of the late Permian-early Triassic in northern Tibet is mostly buried underground except for local outcrop, which has good preservation conditions and is of great value for oil and gas exploration. In order to carry out oil and gas exploration and evaluation, a breakthrough must be found in such a large area as the Cuoqin basin and the southern Qiangtang basin. The West Bank of Namuco is an ideal breakthrough.
【作者单位】: 国土资源部地层与古生物重点实验室中国地质科学院地质研究所;中国地质大学;吉林省地质调查院;中国地质科学院国家地质实验测试中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(编号41472030) 科技基础性工作专项(编号2015FY310100) 中国地质调查局项目(12120115069001;1212011120142;1211402108021-2;121201102000150010-02;121201102000150010-04;1212011120115;DD20160201) 中国地质科学院基本科研业务费项目(编号J1607)资助的成果
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