[Abstract]:In recent years, with the decrease of shallow resources, the exploration of deep resources has become the focus, geophysical workers are facing higher and higher requirements. Under the new challenge, the main task of geological work in the future is to find hidden deposits, deep blind deposits, difficult to identify mineral types, deep oil and gas reservoirs and various structural forms of oil and gas reservoirs. Therefore, in this context, it is very important to study the inversion of geometric and physical parameters of the field source. In this paper, the inversion method of edge parameters of two dimensional position field is studied. The inversion methods of edge parameters of 2-D position field mainly include Werner deconvolution method, total gradient mode method, local wavenumber method, Euler deconvolution method and Tilt_depth, curvature attribute inversion method. According to different theoretical models, several methods can be divided into three categories: point source class, second degree thin plate type and thick contact zone class. Point source methods can be divided into Euler deconvolution and curvature attributes. The theoretical anomalies are point source anomalies. Theoretical tests show that the inversion results are not affected by the magnetization direction of the model, and the accuracy of the inversion results for the point source model is high. The adaptability test shows that the curvature attribute can adapt to more geological body models, and the inversion accuracy is higher, but the horizontal position of the model body can not be retrieved. The two degree thin plate method is divided into Werner deconvolution, total gradient mode (amplitude of analytical signal) and local wavenumber. Theoretical tests show that the inversion results are not affected by the dip angle and magnetization direction of the thin plate with two degrees downward and infinite depth, and the inversion accuracy of the second degree thin plate model is higher than that of the second degree thin plate model. The adaptability test shows that the thin plate method has good adaptability to various models. The method of thick contact band has Tilt-depth method. The theoretical model of this method is vertical thick contact zone with two degrees downward infinite extension. Theoretical test and adaptability test show that the inversion result of this method is greatly affected by the dip angle of thick contact zone, and the generality of the method is poor. The application is simple. In the inversion of various inversion methods for the edge parameters of two-dimensional bodies, the tectonic index estimation technique can be used to effectively judge the geological model of the working area, and the inversion results can be screened by using the solution screening technique, which improves the inversion accuracy. The stability of the solution is improved by conjugate gradient method. In actual data processing, the use of upward continuation derivative calculation technique can effectively suppress noise, improve the accuracy and stability of inversion results, and improve the practicability of the inversion method for the edge parameters of two-dimensional bodies. The depth and boundary position of the model body can be inversed by the total gradient mode and the local wavenumber method, and the depth of the model body can be obtained by the curvature attribute method, but the horizontal position of the model body can not be retrieved by the curvature attribute method. Werner deconvolution method and Euler deconvolution method take the second place, Tilt_depth is only suitable for vertical contact zone inversion. Finally, by using the above methods, a section inside the Wanan basin is inversed, and the boundary parameters of the characteristic point in the section are obtained, and the inversion results are in agreement with the actual geological characteristics.
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