发布时间:2018-11-19 09:06
【摘要】:本文以鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7段富有机质泥页岩样品为研究对象,以氩离子抛光和场发射扫描电镜、氮气等温吸附、高压压汞测试为主要实验测试手段,结合岩心及薄片观察、有机地化特征测试、X射线衍射等辅助测试手段,开展了研究区富有机质泥页岩微孔隙特征研究,重点开展了富有机质泥页岩微孔隙表征技术的研究,分析扫描电镜和MicroVision图像观察、氮气等温吸附实验以及高压压汞实验在微孔隙表征中的应用,建立了一套基于氮气等温吸附法和高压压汞法毛管压力曲线的富有机质泥页岩全孔径孔隙结构表征方法。结合沉积环境、矿物组成、微构造特征以及有机地化特征,厘清研究区泥页岩储集层宏观及微观方面的的岩石学特征,依据有机质含量、黏土矿物、 石英+长石+黄铁矿‖、碳酸盐矿物含量以及微构造特征,对鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7段泥页岩岩石类型进行划分,在此基础上阐述了研究区发育的主要岩石类型及特征。在充分调研国内外泥页岩储层孔隙类型划分方案的基础上,本文通过氩离子抛光和场发射扫描电镜观察结果,提出了微孔隙类型的成因划分方案,分为无机孔隙、有机孔隙和微裂缝三大类,其中无机孔隙划分为原生孔隙和次生孔隙两类,原生孔隙包括:晶(粒)内孔、晶(粒)间孔和晶间隙,次生孔隙包括:晶(粒)内溶孔和晶(粒)间溶孔,有机质孔隙划分为有机质热成因孔(包括:出油孔、出气孔和气孔群)以及收缩孔(缝);分析成因认为泥页岩储集层中有机质孔隙主要受有机质热演化程度的控制,即随着有机质热演化程度的增加,Ro值大于0.9%时,裂解气量增加,天然气部分溶解于油中,大量分散的出气孔组成 气孔群‖。本文对鄂尔多斯盆地长7段65个富有机质泥页岩样品的微孔隙特征进行了扫描电镜观察,结合JMicroVision图像分析软件建立了孔隙定量表征技术,实现了对孔隙特征从扫描电镜下直观的形貌观察到孔隙结构的全尺度定量表征。该套技术的优势在于能针对不同赋存位置的孔隙进行分类研究,定量统计不同类型孔隙发育数量、孔径大小、面孔率、形状系数、概率熵等参数的分布特征。通过氮气等温吸附实验和高压压汞实验表征富有机质泥页岩不同测试范围内微孔隙结构特征。文章根据不同样品的吸附—脱附曲线形态分别阐明了不同等温吸附式(Langmuir、BET等温吸附式)在泥页岩气体吸附过程中的适应性,基于毛细凝聚理论和开尔文方程,选用 HK法和改进的BJH法‖计算了不同样品的孔径、比表面积及孔体积等孔隙结构特征参数;基于高压压汞测试结果中不同样品的进汞—退汞曲线,对相应测试范围内的孔隙形态及分选性等孔隙结构特征参数进行评价。在此基础上,本文建立了一套基于氮气等温吸附法和高压压汞法的富有机质泥页岩全孔径的孔隙结构表征方法,实现了全尺度定量表征研究区富有机质泥页岩储集层的孔隙结构特征。根据不同样品毛管压力曲线形态、排驱压力、饱和度中值压力、饱和度中值孔喉半径、最大连通孔喉半径以及分形维数等参数,对研究区泥页岩储层类型进行划分。在大量调研国内外文献基础上,从解吸、扩散和渗流三方面厘清了页岩气的渗流规律同时,基于前人建立的直井非稳态产能方程,文章对已知井的测试结果进行拟合分析,讨论了孔隙比表面积对其产能特征的影响。
[Abstract]:In this paper, an organic-organic mud shale sample, which is an extension group in the Ordos Basin, is used as the research object. The argon ion polishing and field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM), the isothermal adsorption of nitrogen gas and the high-pressure mercury-pressure mercury test are used as main experimental testing means. In this paper, the study on the micro-pore characteristics of the rich organic-organic mud in the research area was carried out by means of auxiliary test such as X-ray diffraction, and the study on the micro-pore characterization of the organic-rich mud shale was carried out, and the scanning electron microscope and the MicroVision image were analyzed. The study on the isothermal adsorption of nitrogen and the application of high-pressure mercury-pressure mercury in the characterization of micro-pores, and established a method for characterization of the full-pore pore structure of the rich-organic-organic mud shale based on the nitrogen isothermal adsorption method and the pressure curve of the high-pressure mercury-pressure mercury method. 缁撳悎娌夌Н鐜,鐭跨墿缁勬垚,寰瀯閫犵壒寰佷互鍙婃湁鏈哄湴鍖栫壒寰,
[Abstract]:In this paper, an organic-organic mud shale sample, which is an extension group in the Ordos Basin, is used as the research object. The argon ion polishing and field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM), the isothermal adsorption of nitrogen gas and the high-pressure mercury-pressure mercury test are used as main experimental testing means. In this paper, the study on the micro-pore characteristics of the rich organic-organic mud in the research area was carried out by means of auxiliary test such as X-ray diffraction, and the study on the micro-pore characterization of the organic-rich mud shale was carried out, and the scanning electron microscope and the MicroVision image were analyzed. The study on the isothermal adsorption of nitrogen and the application of high-pressure mercury-pressure mercury in the characterization of micro-pores, and established a method for characterization of the full-pore pore structure of the rich-organic-organic mud shale based on the nitrogen isothermal adsorption method and the pressure curve of the high-pressure mercury-pressure mercury method. 缁撳悎娌夌Н鐜,鐭跨墿缁勬垚,寰瀯閫犵壒寰佷互鍙婃湁鏈哄湴鍖栫壒寰,