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发布时间:2018-11-27 18:42
【摘要】:我国是世界上泥石流灾害最严重的国家之一,泥石流发生之处,建筑物坍塌、农田损毁,造成严重的经济损失和人员伤亡。近年来,随着人口的不断增加和经济的高速发展,人类对土地过量的开发利用更使得生态环境严重恶化,水土大面积流失,最终导致各种地质灾害频发。吉林省东南部是泥石流高发区,根据统计,全省自1990年以来共发生泥石流56起。吉林省泥石流的防治工作迫在眉睫,泥石流预报预警研究具有重要意义。暴雨洪水是诱发泥石流的关键因素。吉林省处于中纬度地带,属于温带大陆性季风气候,降水主要集中在汛期或主汛期,暴雨洪水频发,因此,分析吉林省诱发泥石流的暴雨洪水特征,对于泥石流的预报预警研究具有参考价值。 本文首先利用地理信息系统对吉林省泥石流事件多发区的地形地貌、地质条件、土壤类型和土地利用情况进行综合分析,研究泥石流发生区的地质地貌条件和土壤类型等指标特征,研究表明,吉林省泥石流易发区高程一般在165~1000m,少部分地区可以达到2000m以上;坡度一般在15°~50°;土壤类型主要为弱发育的淋溶土、漂白淋溶土、潜育黑土、饱和始成土、人为土和弱发育暗色土;土地利用类型多样,包括旱地、农村居民点、林地、水田、低覆盖度草地及裸岩石砾地等。根据泥石流易发区的自然地理特征绘制吉林省泥石流易发区分布图。进而,通过对专家评分法、正态分布法和二元比较法等三种方法比较分析,选择适宜方法将泥石流易发区自然地理特征指标进行定量化处理。最后,采用自组织映射聚类和基于灰色聚类的优选排序等方法,,通过在时间和空间尺度上系统研究降雨与泥石流二者间的相关关系,绘制暴雨洪水诱发泥石流的预警图。
[Abstract]:China is one of the most serious debris flow disasters in the world, where debris flow occurs, buildings collapse, farmland is destroyed, causing serious economic losses and casualties. In recent years, with the continuous increase of population and the rapid development of economy, the excessive exploitation and utilization of land by human makes the ecological environment deteriorate seriously, soil and water loss of large area, and eventually lead to frequent occurrence of various geological disasters. According to statistics, 56 debris flows have occurred in southeast Jilin Province since 1990. The prevention and control of debris flow in Jilin Province is urgent, so it is of great significance to study the prediction and early warning of debris flow. Torrential rain and flood are the key factors to induce debris flow. Jilin Province is in the middle latitude zone, belongs to the temperate continental monsoon climate, the precipitation mainly concentrates in the flood season or the main flood season, the rainstorm flood frequently occurs, therefore, analyzes the Jilin Province induced debris flow rainstorm flood characteristic, It has reference value for the study of debris flow prediction and early warning. In this paper, the terrain, geomorphology, geological conditions, soil types and land use of the debris flow event prone areas in Jilin Province are analyzed comprehensively by using the Geographic Information system (GIS). The characteristics of geological and geomorphological conditions and soil types in debris flow occurrence areas are studied. The results show that the height of debris flow prone areas in Jilin Province is generally 165- 1000m, and in a few areas it can reach 2000m or more. The slope is generally between 15 掳and 50 掳. The soil types are mainly weakly developed leached soil, bleached leached soil, latent black soil, saturated soil, artificial soil and weakly developed dark soil. There are many types of land use, including dry land, rural settlements, woodland, paddy field, low coverage grassland and bare rock gravel land. According to the natural geographical characteristics of debris flow prone areas, the distribution map of debris flow prone areas in Jilin Province is drawn. Then, through the comparison and analysis of three methods, the expert scoring method, the normal distribution method and the binary comparison method, a suitable method is selected to quantify the natural geographical characteristics of debris flow prone areas. Finally, by using the methods of self-organizing mapping clustering and optimal sorting based on grey clustering, the correlation between rainfall and debris flow is studied systematically in time and space scale, and the early warning map of debris flow induced by rainstorm and flood is drawn.


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