[Abstract]:In this study, three typical sections of Yinchuan Plain were selected, and the groundwater ~ (14) C solute transport model was built on the basis of MODFLOW simulation. Combined with the radioisotope 3H ~ (14) C concentration on the profile, the circulation characteristics of groundwater circulation system, the characteristics of supplementary diameter discharge and the age characteristics of groundwater are analyzed from the section level. Firstly, the dynamic characteristics of regional groundwater are analyzed. According to its dynamic types, there are three types: runoff type, irrigation type and mining type. Based on cluster analysis and multivariate linear regression model, the factors affecting groundwater dynamics and their influence coefficients are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of groundwater dynamic type and the calculation of regional water balance, the water balance in the section is analyzed. The main recharge sources in the section are mainly farmland irrigation backflow, canal leakage, mountain flood infiltration and so on. Drainage to the main drainage, artificial mining, evaporation and so on. Secondly, the local circulation system of groundwater and the secondary circulation system of regional circulation system are mainly developed in the three sections. The development depth of local groundwater circulation system is relatively shallow, the horizontal distance is small, the intensity of groundwater runoff is large, and the retention time is short. The development depth of regional groundwater circulation is deep, the horizontal distance is large, the groundwater runoff is slow and the retention time is long. Through the whole water balance calculation of each section, the flow in each section is mainly concentrated in the shallow local groundwater circulation system. Secondly, the results of ~ (14) C solute transport model in groundwater show the distribution of ~ (14) C particle concentration, which is compared with the radioisotope ~ (14) C and 3H dating results in groundwater. The distribution characteristics of ~ (14) C mass transport concentration in groundwater are in good agreement with the radioactive isotopic age distribution of groundwater, which verifies the reliability of the ~ (14) C solute transport model in groundwater profile. The age distribution of groundwater on the profile can be analyzed with reference to the solute transport model. It is concluded that most of the diving ages in the section are below 60 years, the age distribution of confined water is from top to bottom, the age of groundwater from west to east has changed from small to large, and the age range is 220 Kaa, which is paleogroundwater. Finally, the characteristics of groundwater mineralization and hydrochemical types along the complementary path and discharge cycle in the profile are obviously different. The mineralization degree of groundwater in the central and western regions in the front of Helan Mountain and near the single diving area is low, and the mineralization degree of groundwater in the transition to the east increases gradually. From west to east, the hydrochemical types are mainly evolved from HCO3 SO4 type of water to Cl SO4 type of water.
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