[Abstract]:A strong Mw7.9 earthquake broke out in Wenchuan area on May 12, 2008, and the main fault zone of this earthquake continued to be near the north side of Suhe River in Qingchuan County. In view of the earthquake, this paper attempts to study the characteristics of surface deformation in two stages. They are coseismic and post-earthquake respectively. Advanced geodetic techniques such as D-InSAR and SBAS are used to construct the co-seismic deformation field of Wenchuan earthquake, to explore the law of fault migration, and to study the monitoring of surface deformation in mountainous areas after the earthquake. The details are as follows: 1. The basic principle of InSAR,D-InSAR,SBAS-InSAR and the steps of data processing are briefly described. The corresponding program is used to weaken the error items (atmospheric error, orbit baseline error, etc.) produced in the process of data processing. The advantages and disadvantages of adaptive filtering, Boxcar filtering and Goldstein filtering in the seismic data processing are compared. The data of 60 ALOS/PALSAR L band of 6 orbit were spliced and MSP preprocessed before interference. After obtaining the deformation field of Wenchuan earthquake, the data were spliced and corrected again based on the minimum proximity method. By using 38 continuous GPS stations and 435 mobile GPS stations published by China crustal Movement observation Network, the reliability of InSAR observation is evaluated based on far and near field, isoline and profile. Based on the study of deformation in Maomao (county) area after the earthquake, 11 PALSAR images (2008.10.21-2010.10.27) were selected, and the time deformation sequence and average deformation rate were obtained by SBAS-InSAR technique. The relationship between precipitation and precipitation is analyzed in the south west of Shigu township and the southeastern part of Beshui town. 3. The results show that the coseismic deformation field covers 83194 km2 on both sides of the Longmenshan fault zone, and the deformation gradient near the fault is large, which is segmented and thrusting. The stripes are distributed around the fault, the whole is uplifted by the northwestern plate, and the southeastern plate is decreased. The macro epicenter position determined by this monitoring is 31.05 掳Nu 103.30 掳E, the near field 蟽 is 16.9 cm, and the far field 蟽 is 4.5 cm. In the southeast of Anmao area after the earthquake, the uplift rate is 15-30mm / y. the subsidence trend of northeast and southwest is obvious, the subsidence rate is 20-45mm / y. the deformation rate accelerates in June and July, which is also related to the local precipitation. On the whole, the characteristics of coseismic deformation of Wenchuan earthquake are consistent and trending, and are consistent with previous research results.
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