[Abstract]:Geological disasters have been the focus of national natural disasters prevention and treatment, and landslide disasters are a more serious type of geological disasters, landslide disaster early warning has been paid more and more attention. Many landslide monitoring projects and scientific research in China use expensive monitoring instruments abroad, such as the 1502C/CS series of Campbell Scientific's TDR100,Tektronix. At the same time, these foreign instruments also need to purchase related equipment. Because of the high price, these systems are only used in large landslide monitoring, but not widely used in small and medium landslides. In this paper, the basic principle of TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) technology in landslide monitoring is introduced, the transmission of pulse signal in coaxial cable is studied theoretically, and a set of TDR landslide monitoring system including hardware and software is designed. The system consists of three parts: coaxial cable, lower computer hardware circuit, upper computer application software. The hardware circuit transmits the narrow pulse signal to the coaxial cable. At the same time, the transmitted narrow pulse signal and the reflected pulse signal are sampled equivalent. The data obtained from the equivalent sampling are cached by SDRAM. Finally, all the data in SDRAM are sent to the computer through USB. The upper computer application software installed on the computer reconstructs, displays, analyzes and processes the collected data. Finally, according to the condition of the landslide body, the landslide warning is judged. At the end of the paper, the laboratory test of the prototype of TDR principle is carried out, and the extrusion and shearing of coaxial cable is simulated by coaxial cable shearing device, and a large number of test data and test waveforms are recorded. By analyzing the measurement error of the system, the correctness of the TDR calculation model and the usability of the designed landslide monitoring system are verified by using the TDR calculation model derived in this paper.
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