发布时间:2019-01-27 05:59
【摘要】:山脉的隆升与夷平无不与地表岩石的风化剥蚀密切相关,暴雨冲刷作用对山区岩石的风化剥蚀至关重要。雨水顺着倾斜的山坡迅速汇聚,形成湍急洪流,冲携山坡上的砂砾与小石块,对石坡上原先小幅度的洼凹之地或薄弱部位进行机械性磨蚀与化学溶蚀,上述地质过程不断重复,逐渐形成山坡壶穴。美国加州华斯克巨岩公园、澳大利亚中部大红山以及中国北京西山的山坡壶穴都是暴雨流壶穴的典型例子。可惜过去一段时间里北京西山地区的山坡壶穴被误认为是"京西古道上骡马驴踩出来的蹄坑",这样解释的前提条件是在数百年间、数以万计的骡马驴不断地踩进同一处、且不断加深的石头蹄坑。动物行为学研究表明,马之类的动物在行走过程中会本能地躲避踩进较深(≥5~10 cm)的洼坑或水坑,以防扭伤蹄腕或折断腿骨。世界上著名的铺石古道上只见车辙痕不见马蹄坑,亦是有力的证明。
[Abstract]:The uplift and flattening of mountain range are closely related to the weathering and denudation of surface rocks, and rainstorm erosion is of great importance to the weathering and denudation of rocks in mountainous areas. Rain Water quickly converged along the sloping hillside, forming a torrent of torrential water, carrying sand and gravel and small stones on the slope, and performing mechanical and chemical erosion on the original small depression or weak part of the rock slope. The geological processes described above were repeated and repeated. Gradually formed a cave in the hillside. California's Wask Giant Rock Park, the Red Mountains in central Australia and the Hillside Cave in West Mountain, Beijing, China are typical examples of torrential rain potholes. Unfortunately, in the past, the Hillside Kettle in the Xishan area of Beijing was mistaken for "a hoofhole trod out by mule and horse donkeys on the ancient road of Beijing." the prerequisite for such an explanation is that, over the centuries, tens of thousands of mule and horse donkeys have repeatedly stepped into the same place. And deepening stone hoofs. Animal behavior studies have shown that animals such as horses instinctively avoid stepping into deeper (鈮,
[Abstract]:The uplift and flattening of mountain range are closely related to the weathering and denudation of surface rocks, and rainstorm erosion is of great importance to the weathering and denudation of rocks in mountainous areas. Rain Water quickly converged along the sloping hillside, forming a torrent of torrential water, carrying sand and gravel and small stones on the slope, and performing mechanical and chemical erosion on the original small depression or weak part of the rock slope. The geological processes described above were repeated and repeated. Gradually formed a cave in the hillside. California's Wask Giant Rock Park, the Red Mountains in central Australia and the Hillside Cave in West Mountain, Beijing, China are typical examples of torrential rain potholes. Unfortunately, in the past, the Hillside Kettle in the Xishan area of Beijing was mistaken for "a hoofhole trod out by mule and horse donkeys on the ancient road of Beijing." the prerequisite for such an explanation is that, over the centuries, tens of thousands of mule and horse donkeys have repeatedly stepped into the same place. And deepening stone hoofs. Animal behavior studies have shown that animals such as horses instinctively avoid stepping into deeper (鈮,