[Abstract]:China is one of the most serious geological disasters in the world, one of the most threatened countries, the complex geological conditions, the frequent construction activities, the collapse, the landslide, the debris flow, the ground collapse, the ground settlement, the ground fissure, etc., the disaster is more and more distributed, and the concealment, the sudden and the destructiveness are strong, And the prevention difficulty is large. The geological disaster has caused more than 1,000 people to die each year in China, and the direct economic loss is one billion yuan. The occurrence and change of the geological disaster needs to be accurately controlled through the monitoring; the effect of the geological disaster prevention and control project is also required to be detected by the monitoring; and the monitoring data of the geological disasters is also an important basis for the scientific research of the geological disasters. In the early period of this century, the climate change and the earthquake all tend to be active, and the landslide, the collapse, the debris flow and the ground crack caused by the strong rainfall and the earthquake will increase, and the future 5 to 10 years is still the high period of the geological disaster, so we need to take the way of real-time monitoring, With the advanced data acquisition technology, a reliable transmission network is used to provide more detailed data for prediction and more time for prevention. The occurrence of geological disasters has a certain formation condition, and the geological effect of the disaster needs to occur under certain power-induced (damage), and the induced power is natural, some are man-made, and different geological disasters are different in terms of formation conditions and harm. In this paper, the classification, development and distribution of geological disasters in China are analyzed, and the occurrence mechanism of typical sudden geological disasters such as collapse, landslide and debris flow is studied. The method of applying the intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy theory to the assessment of the risk of geological hazard is also discussed. Monitoring the equipment used is of great importance to the development of the monitoring technology method, and the monitoring technology method is classified into direct information class, indirect information class and inducing factor class. This paper studies the common monitoring methods and equipment, including surface displacement monitoring, underground deformation monitoring, hydrographic monitoring, data acquisition and alarm equipment, etc., analyzes the error source of the digital camera in the photogrammetry, and sets up the calibration model according to the calibration data extraction and calibration model. In the step of parameter calculation and optimization and distortion correction, a precise calibration method is established, and the pixel quantization noise error, the image coordinate axis orthogonal error, the correction center error, the lens radial distortion error and the tangential distortion error are corrected successively, and the experimental results show that, This method can result in a very accurate calibration result. The monitored data transmission includes short-range transmission in the area, transmission of the remote network, and verification, compression, encryption, and the like of the data of the transmission process. In this paper, based on the characteristics of the wireless sensor network, a quantum-immune-based energy-cavity avoidance algorithm is proposed, which combines the natural parallelism of the quantum computation and the full adaptability of the immune algorithm. It has better population diversity and faster convergence rate than the traditional evolutionary algorithm. The results show that the algorithm can effectively improve the efficiency of the network compared with the existing algorithm. The remote communication technologies used in the monitoring are studied, including GPRS, LTE, satellite digital communication and so on. The common data compression method and check method are introduced, and the data compression method suitable for monitoring is put forward. The common data encryption method is studied, and a new method of image encryption is established based on the Lorenz hybrid mapping and the finite field theory. The method comprises the following steps of: firstly, dividing the original image information into an image matrix by a Lorenz hybrid mapping mapping, and then processing the image matrix in a finite field, The new encryption method has better effect and faster speed and realizes the balance of speed and effect through the combination of the hybrid mapping and the calculation in the finite field. The current monitoring software has the problems of low maintainability, poor data display effect and the like. This paper discusses the importance of the maintainability of the software in the development of the real-time monitoring and information management integrated system of geological disasters, and studies the software development technologies such as three-layer architecture, Silverlight, MVVM mode and so on. So that the user of the software can continuously improve and update the existing software system to a certain extent. then the overall design of the system is carried out on the basis of real-time acquisition, uploading and processing of monitoring data such as surface displacement, deep displacement, crack displacement, rainfall, water level, pore water pressure (seepage pressure), stress, earth pressure and the like, Data presentation of the client is achieved using the Silverlight technology and the MVVM mode. The real-time monitoring and information management integrated system of geological hazards has been applied to three monitoring project points, such as the monitoring demonstration point of the area monitoring and demonstration site of the saddle and sub-dam of the Wangjiang Road of Wanzhou District, the landslide monitoring demonstration point of the CPPCC office building of the New District of the South, and the dangerous rock monitoring demonstration point of the 7 # building in the four-year-four of the Wanzhou District. The text first introduces the basic situation, the cause mechanism and the deformation trend of each monitoring point, the monitoring content and the layout of the monitoring points, and then analyzes the data monitored by the system. The results show that the system can better reflect the real-time value of various monitoring parameters and its continuous trend, and provide the basis for disaster prevention and reduction and prediction.
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