[Abstract]:Neoproterozoic paleomagnetism in South China plays an important role in the study of supercontinent evolution, the "snowball Earth" climate model, the true polar shift hypothesis, and so on. The Madiyi formation of Banxi Group, South China, is mainly composed of purple-red medium-thick silty mudstone, with good outcrop, weak deformation and no metamorphism. It is an ideal horizon for paleomagnetism study. The paleomagnetic samples were collected from the Madiyi formation (809 ~ 814 Ma),) in the Dangxi Group, Guzhang, Western Hunan Province, including about 200 samples from 13 mining sites. Systematic thermal demagnetization experiments were carried out on all samples, and rock magnetism experiments such as isothermal remanence curve were carried out on behalf of the samples. The thermal demagnetization experiment shows that most of the samples have two-component characteristics, and the low-temperature component is in the Jurassic direction, which is the result of Mesozoic heavy magnetization in South China. After high temperature component strata correction, the average direction is 310.0 掳, 57.4 掳, 伪 95 掳3.7 (13 mining points, 108 samples). The primary remanence magnetic field is obtained by fold test and inversion test. The obliquity of the high temperature component is obviously slow. The obliquity of 75.1 掳is obtained by means of EI method. The paleomagnetism is 44.8 掳N, 80.2 掳E, A95 掳3.4 掳, corresponding to the ancient latitude is 62 掳, the paleomagnetism is 44.8 掳N, 80.2 掳E, and A95 掳3.4 掳, respectively. This pole is far from the young paleomagnetic pole in South China, but the near-age Xiaofeng dyke and salt-margin rock wall paleomagnetic pole is not the result of re-magnetization. The high temperature component reveals that the sampling section records at least three geomagnetic reversals, indicating that the geomagnetic field reverses frequently around 810 Ma. Paleomagnetic results show that South China experienced a movement from high latitudes (even polar regions) to the equator from 825 Ma to Cambrian. Moreover, at high latitudes (825-760Ma), South China records the greenhouse climate (extensive red beds), combined with the sedimentary characteristics of other continents such as North America and Australia (developed evaporates, carbonate rocks). It shows that the world was in a hot climate at that time; Cold climate (glacier deposition) is recorded at low and middle latitudes, which is the response of the snowball Earth extreme climate event in South China. South China is the only continent found to have this global climatic indication supported by paleomagnetic and sedimentary evidence. Combined with the latest paleomagnetic and geological evidence, a new palaeogeographic model of Rodinia supercontinent has been reconstructed. The South China continental block is located in the high latitude area of the northern margin of Rodinia, facing the northern margin of India with its western margin, and India on the northwest side of Australia. Australia is connected to the southwest margin of Lauren by its northeast (AUSMEX connection), and Tarim is located on the west margin of Lauren. On the basis of the above-mentioned reconstruction model, the paleomagnetic poles of ~ 820 ~ 780 Ma in South China and East Svalbard, Lauren, Australia, India and Congo may all fall on the same meridional great arc, representing the ~ 800 Ma true polar shift events.
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