[Abstract]:In this paper, taking the landslide in Zhongyuan Town as an example, three methods of establishing complex three-dimensional geological model are put forward. The unsaturated seepage function is developed on the basis of the FLAC3D seepage module, and the numerical simulation of the three-dimensional rainfall infiltration process of the landslide in Zhongyuan Town is realized. In this paper, the stability of the landslide in Zhongyuan Town under the condition of rainfall and different rainfall duration is studied, and the calculation results of unsaturated seepage module of MIDAS software are compared, and the stability of the landslide in Zhongyuan Town is studied under the average annual rainfall intensity. The correctness of the developed unsaturated seepage function is verified. Finally, the following results are obtained: (1) in this paper, three methods are proposed to build complex three-dimensional real terrain model, which solves the problem of difficult modeling in the middle and early stage of FLAC3D. At the same time, it is feasible to analyze the three-dimensional rainfall infiltration unsaturated seepage in the middle slope of FLAC3D. (2) the unsaturated seepage function is developed based on FLAC3D platform for the first time. Taking the landslide in Zhongyuan Town as an example, the rainfall infiltration analysis of landslide at different duration under the average annual rainfall intensity was carried out. At the same time, the calculation results were verified by the unsaturated seepage module of MIDAS software. The correctness of the unsaturated seepage function developed on the FLAC3D platform is verified. (3) based on the limit equilibrium theory and FLAC3D numerical simulation, the landslide in Zhongyuan Town under two conditions of gravity and rainfall is analyzed and calculated. The influence of rainfall infiltration on the landslide in Zhongyuan town is analyzed emphatically. The rainfall infiltration process has a great influence on the landslide of Zhongyuan Town when the annual average rainfall intensity is kept under the condition of rainfall infiltration.
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