[Abstract]:The groundwater in the coastal area of the south coast of Laizhou Bay is a very valuable water resource. In the past two decades, the problem of salinization of groundwater has become more and more prominent because of the rapid urbanization. Research over the past three decades has focused on the mixing of fresh water and seawater or brine. In this study, 46 samples were collected in the south bank of Laizhou Bay, including Bailanghe River and Estuary seawater, groundwater at different locations in the southern bank plain and brine production area in the south bank of Laizhou Bay. First, the solvent (stable isotopes 未 D, 未 ~ (18) O) and solute (Cl~-) of water molecules are used to identify the properties of water molecules (atmospheric water molecules or seawater water molecules) and salinization mechanisms (generally including evaporation, dissolution and mixing). The mixing of fresh water and seawater is a special case of mixing. And then from the main components (K ~, Na~, Ca~ (2), Mg~ (2), HCO_3~-,SO_4~ (2 -), halogen elements (F, Cl, Br, I ~ -), the trace elements (Li, Sr~ (2), Ca~ (2) and piper are used to analyze the source of salt in river water, groundwater and brine. The results are as follows: (1) the isotope values of five samples of Bailang River in Laizhou Bay prove that the river originated from the upper Bailanghe reservoir. In addition to the input of atmospheric precipitation, the salt in the sample of river water mainly comes from the dissolution of evaporative salt, and the evaporative salt is mainly transported into the river by wind from the salt debris from the salt field of brine suntanning field. The seven sea water samples outside the mouth of the Bailang River are a mixture of the Bailang River and the standard sea water (undiluted seawater) due to the influence of the rivers of different seasons. The chemical composition of coastal seawater varies with time and space. (2) six underground water samples from Laizhou Bay, south of Laizhou Bay, are the reference standard for stable isotopes. 10 underground water samples in Longkou have been proved to be direct infiltration replenishment of atmospheric precipitation. The content of Cl~- is derived from dissolved evaporative salt, mainly stone salt crystal (processed stone salt). Nine groundwater samples from Shouguang were fed into paleo-Judian Lake by river channel. Salt sources were mainly from salt dissolution of transgressive strata and hydrolysis of diagenetic minerals in soil layer. (3) Cl~- content of 9 halogen samples on the south bank of Laizhou Bay was 58100 脳 101000 mg/L,. The determination values of 未 D and 未 ~ (18) O have been corrected according to the isotopic salt effect. Five geochemical methods are used to analyze the chemical composition of brine. The results show that the brine molecule is the origin of atmospheric water, and the increase of salinity is related to the dissolution of evaporative salt, and that the residual water of seawater evaporation is excluded. It is determined that the main salt source of evaporative salt comes from marine salt. On the whole, the salt source study of water chemical composition can not avoid the important source hiding the small weight part. 1) the river water is confined to the reservoir and the river course. Its chemical composition is mainly generated by atmospheric precipitation inputs (including atmospheric gases and marine aerosols), as well as wind blowing of salt debris from local salt farms. 2) the source of salt in coastal zone is mainly salt dissolution in transgressive strata and hydrolysis of diagenetic minerals in soil zone. 2) the source of salt in the coastal zone is mainly the dissolution of salt in transgressive strata and the hydrolysis of diagenetic minerals in the soil zone. The source of brine salt in the coastal zone only reflects the ocean salt and hides the other salt sources. 3) the source of brine salt in the coastal zone only reflects the ocean salt, and the other salt sources are covered up by the source of salt debris from the local salt field. Therefore, this study analyzed and stripped off the three parts of river water, groundwater and brine layer by layer, and the three salt sources were added together to form a regional salt source influence factor. The blowing of salt debris in the salt field is an important factor to cause the salinity fluctuation of shallow groundwater in the near future.
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